Chapter 6:Back to school

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I have now reached chapter six, I hope you like my story so far, and I hope I have improved on anything that was not to your liking in the first five chapters, now let's get on with the story.

Lucy POV

We had been walking down the halls of school, whispers and giggles were heard from the various groups that had been made among the students of fairytail academy. Natsu's fan girls were giving me death glares while my fanboys were giving Natsu the same. It was like the battle of the death glares, to the death. I wasn't comfortable with this kind of attention, and yet I was the talk of the school. Yesterday my best friend and I  went shopping and she was showering me with questions that I definitely was not comfortable with and could not answer. I just wanted the earth to swallow me up whole right now. I hugged my self caressing my arms slowly in a calming manner. Natsu must of noticed the way I was nervous, so he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Luce, everything will be fine don't care about what they say."he smiled.

I gave him a silent nod turning my head back to the halls were, I sighed silently and went to class.

I was there, sitting at my desk, resting my head on my arms, I was tired, confused and uneasy, people were staring at me, gossiping about me among themselves.

"Hello class."I immediately sat up in my sit, at instinct at the sound of sir Gildarts voice.

"Okay today class we will be having a new transfer student from sabertooth academy."I rested my chin in my palm, my elbow rested on the desk.

He walked inside I was instantly intrigued by his appearance, he was blonde, muscular and might I say very hot, his head snapped over my way he shot me a flirty wink, I blushed.

"Hello  I'm sting eucliffe." He waved, his eyes never left mine. Natsu stiffened in his seat, I heard a silent growl come from Natsu, but I didn't care.


That's the name Natsu said in his dreams, was this the sting he was talking about, was this the person he was trying to protect me from? I didn't understand he seamed like a nice guy even though I never met him, but on the other hand I seemed to be the only person he had paid his attention to.

"Mr eucliffe, please take a seat beside miss  heartfilia." Sir Gildarts said while pointing at me, he came over taking the empty seat that was beside me, while Natsu was on my left, him on my right levy in front of me and one of my friends, juvia lockser behind me who was sitting beside her recent boyfriend gray. I felt awkward in my seat, sir Gildarts was never really one to teach, he was our spanish teacher who just gave us some easy work and sat in his seat texting or calling his girlfriend, while we worked, that would explain why most of us failed Spanish only those who studied from the textbook actually got a decent grade.

I was done with my classwork so was sting the boy beside me.


I heard, I ignored.


Heard it again, I shuffled in my seat and ignores it once again.


I heard it again I was starting to get pssssst of.

"What!" I snapped my head toward, the  source of sound, sting.

"Hey Lucy."he greeted.

"How did you know my name?"

"Just a guess."he shrugged

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"Well I was wondering if you were free this evening?"he asked, I was shocked did he not know of me and Natsu's marriage.

"Well no, but I am......actually......kind of.......taken."I stuttered.

"I know people told me of your forced marriage, I was just asking if you could tutor me with Spanish well since the know doesn't teach."He smiled at me.

"Well su-"I was cut off by Natsu.

"Well actually she is busy, we are having friends over at OUR house for the night," he folded his arms.

"Since when?"I asked

"Since now."Natsu replied.

"Well can I come?" sting asked.

"No! of course not."Natsu yelled, the teacher noticed, looking at us but didn't care so just shrugged and went back to texting his girlfriend.

"Natsu don't be rude, of course you can."I assured him, the bell rang, sting nodded and left the room, with a sly smirk playing on his face.

"So I guess we are having friends over tonight."Natsu stated.

"Yep,and thanks I've been waiting for the day we could have some friends over for a game of truth or dare."I squealed.

"Whatever, just call your friends."Natsu scoffed.

"Okay."I gave him a wave while walking towards levy, who was there smirking at me.

"Oye levy-chan."I waved

"Hey lu-chan, looks like you got your self caught in some boy drama."she smirked.

"What are you talking about."I folded my arms, my eyebrows arched.

"Well that sting guy looks like he likes you and Natsu looks jealous."she giggled.

"That's ridiculous levy, Natsu and I had a forced marriage, we don't like each other and sting doesn't like me he just a needs help in spanish."I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say, but I know they like you, it's obvious."

"Levy, please I don't want to talk about it now, we can talk later."I pleaded

She nodded, silently

"Oh and by the way be at my house at seven, we are all having a sleepover."I squealed.

The end, just kidding only for this chapter, which I hope you liked, I will be updating soon don't worry, tell me if there is anything I can do to improve and if you liked this chapter, please vote, comment and follow for more thank you.

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now