Chapter 17:I wanna be one too

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Hey I hope you like this chapter.

Lucy POV

I was taking a shower as the slightly hot water dripped on my skin running down to the floor.

I was thinking, how much times can I rely on Natsu to protect me, I really don't know and vampires live eternally so will I die old and Natsu will still be as young as now and sting will run after me for life.

I turned off the tap stepping out of the shower wrapping a towel around
myself, I walked out of the bathroom to see Natsu lying on the bed in his boxers.

"Hey Natsu."I said sadly.

"Luce what's wrong you look sad, you didn't regret it did you."he asked a worried look plastered all over his face.

"No,no I was just thinking."I pushed my hands in front of my face and simultaneously waved them.

"About what, come on tell me."he said as he patted the seat beside him.

"Natsu I only have a towel on."I blushed.

"Oh come on Luce nothing I haven't seen before."he chuckled.

"But I'm still shy."I blushed covering my face.

I soon felt two hands snake around my waist pulling me into a lap, I looked behind me to see Natsu's smirking face, I blushed.

"Natsu do vampires love forever?"I asked.

His face went cold his smirk turned into a frown.

"W-well it defends if you get staked or get your heart ripped out or if you head gets cut off."he chuckled nervously.

"So when I get old and wrinkly you'll still be young?"I asked.

"Well............yeah."he sigh.

I turned in his lap to face him cupping his cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me."I asked.

"Because I didn't want you to ruin your life just by being with me."I said.

"Don't you think my life is bad enough as it is with sting and everything."I said my voice shaking tears nearly streaming out of my eyes.

He cupped my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"No Lucy don't cry."he said as he wiped the tear that had fallen from my eye.

"Look Natsu I don't wanna loose you and I know you don't wanna loose me, I         wanna be with you forever and I wanna be able to protect myself."I stated.

"Lucy where are you going with this?"he asked.

"Can a human turn into vampire?"I asked.

"Lucy I don't think-"he started but I cut him off.

"I am gonna ask you one more time, can a human turn vampire."I asked.

"Well yes most vampires are human first."he stated.

"Then I wanna be one."I told Natsu, his eyes grew wider that the universe.

"I wanna be a vampire Natsu I really do, I wanna be strong  and fast like you I want to live eternally with you, I love you and I want nothing to separate us."I told him and before he could say anything else I smashed my lips unto his.

Let's  just say things got a little bit steamy last night, if you know what I mean.

Hey guys I hope you thought it was a great chapter I hope you all liked it and now I'm on Christmas break so I can update more often oh how I love Christmas, I wonder if Lucy will make a great vampire when she turns tell me in the comments if you think Lucy heartfilia will make a great vampire to be honest I think she would see ya guys.

And I hope you have a merry wonderful Christmas.

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now