Chapter 12:confessions and kisses

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I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday but I got really sick with the flu and fell asleep, now on with the story.

Warning:short chapter ahead

Lucy POV

............The water washed against my feet I jumped back realizing what I had just tried to do.

"Natsu, I'm so sorry."I said looking away the blush very apparent on my face.

"Lucy."I looked up at him he took a step closer cupping my cheek with his hand caressing it slightly with his thumb."no carry on."he chuckled.


He snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer my breasts pushed up against his chest again, I yelped looking up at him he leaned down and kissed me, a nice passionate kiss that sent electricity through my body, my hands instinctually wrapped around his neck pulling him to me, his hands reached the nape of my neck molding our lips together as they brushed against each other, he licked my bottom lip asking me for an entrance, and with that I granted it he stuck his tongue in my mouth exploring it like the world, he then moved to my jawline then to my neck licking and sucking my skin that made me let out a loud moan.

"Natsu."I moaned

"Hmm."he said in between kisses.

"I love you."I moaned, he cupped my cheeks with both of his hands, looking into my eyes, me well kind of disappointed that he had stopped, I pouted.

"I love you too."and with that he clashed his lips unto mine again, squeezing my breasts, and with surprise I jumped back.

"Natsu!"I yelled.

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself."he chuckled.

"So what are we now."I twiddled with my fingers.

"Obviously we are husband and wife, we just well accept it now."he smirked.

I blushed "I know but you don't just go touching my boobs."I pouted.

"Oh sorry."he chuckled.

I smiled this was gonna be a long day.

So sorry about the short chapter as I said I am sick so I'm tired, but don't worry once I am well I will update. Anyway I hope you liked please vote comment and follow for more.

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now