Chapter 19:The showdown

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Oh we are now at the second to last chapter I am almost done with this book 😥 Thanks everybody that kept reading I am so thankful.

Lucy POV

"Sting what are you doing here."I asked harshly.

"Well I could tell from a mile away your a vampire by that little show you put on."sting smirked ."look you little bitch if I can't get your blood I'm just going to f*** you then kill you that sound okay."

I shuddered taking step back Natsu pulled me into him.

"Your never laying a finger her ."Natsu growled.

"Oh Natsu that's what you think."sting chuckled.

Natsu pushed me behind his back I sniffed tears threatening to run down my eyes.

"What the little princess can't protect herself I thought she was a vampire now."he chuckled.

"Shut the hell up." Natsu shouted aiming a punch at sting hitting him right on the nose, sting groaned taking a step back drops of blood running down his nose, he growled aiming a punch at Natsu he dodged tripping sting by his ankle, sting fell unto the floor but he got up quickly never failing to give Natsu a punch in the stomach, Natsu groaned, I winced hiding my face in my hands.

"Please stop."I cried "please."I cried once more.

"No I'm not stopping until sting is dead and can't lay a single  me finger on you!"Natsu yelled giving sting a kick in the stomach as sting groaned stepping back and retreated giving Natsu a punch on the cheek.

"Natsu you don't have to do this for me."I cried.

"But I do Lucy, but I do!"he yelled once more.

Before I could say anything more two hands snaked around me one covering my mouth, I let out muffled screams and kicked behind me I heard the man groan as I kicked his balls he let me go falling into the ground holding his area as he grained on pain.

I took my time to unserved the man he had black hair and wore a cape, little old timy if you asked me, I then took him by the neck holding him in the air he let our choked coughs as I did so, I quickly reached into his chest and pulled out his heart with no hesitation I let go of him and he fell to the ground turning gray his body lined with veins. I gasped at what I just did I killed a vampire apart of stings gang talk about revenge.

"Rogue!!!!"I heard still yell, I turned around to see Natsu fighting a guy with blood red eyes and as veins ran down his eyes.

"You bitch."he screamed.

He was about to charge at me but Natsu kicked him to prevent him coming anywhere near me.

Sting groaned "you know what forget the sex I just want to kill you." He yelled I gasped as Natsu gave him one more punch.

"Your brother dying  is your own freaking fault he's the one who attacked  her first so she was just doing an act of defense and your the one who wouldn't leave her alone trying to rape her and kill her do you know how hard it has been for her, for me I wake up every morning with fear of losing Lucy the love of my life and it's all because of you its your own fault and your the one who turned me in the first place so if you didn't turn me I wouldn't have to turned Lucy and your brother wouldn't be dead so think about that."Natsu stated.

"Natsu."I said softly, tears threatening to fall.

"You son of a bitch."sting broke steak of a near by post holding it high aiming at Natsu's chest and with that he threw it.

"NATSU!" I yelled.



Just making sure you know okay I don't want to lose readers cause of this.

I hope you liked cause the next chapter is the last bye.

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now