Chapter 4:Married

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I have now reached chapter 4, thanks for all your support in the previous chapters really appreciated, 😊 so I hope you like now let's get on with the chapter.

Lucy POV

"You may now kiss the bride."the priest cheered.

Yep you guessed it, it was our wedding or our forced wedding to be exact, which I wasn't very excited for, the crowd cheered, some of our schoolmates were present at the wedding, eyeing us and giggling, I mean how could you blame them we were two eighteen year olds getting married, that wasn't something you exactly saw everyday, half the reason why we got married I was still clueless about, it weighed me down, a million questions were running through my head.

I couldn't help but notice the white-haired girl giving me the evil eye in the audience 'what the hell is her problem' I thought, we soon departed into the limo taking of for the reception.

The reception was okay, one that of an average wedding, I didn't pay much attention though out, the details blurry in my head.

We had finally got home and changed into our pjs.

"What a day."Natsu exclaimed draping unto the bed.

"Woe woe woe !"I yelled

"What?"Natsu asked

"You used to sleep on couch what's with the change of heart all of a sudden?" I folded my arms.

"We were not married yet now we are so we are sleeping in the same bed."he said with slight hesitation.

I arched an eyebrow at him "really?"

"Okay that couch was way too uncomfortable."he stated.

I shook my head "whatever just keep to your side of the bed!"I demanded.

"Okay okay I get it hands to myself."he held his hands up in defense.

I then hear the doorbell ring,I suddenly jumped off the bed "I'll get it!"I said

I walked down the stairs in a hurry and opened the door, it opened to reveal my white-haired hater.

"Is Natsu here?"she said sass very easy to spot in her voice.

"Well hello to you too."I said, she rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"Is Natsu here?"she said again.

"Yeah he's upstairs, let me call him. NATSU YOU HAVE A VISITOR!"I yelled.

Natsu POV

"NATSU YOU HAVE A VISITOR!"I heard Lucy yell, I groaned, getting up and walking down the stairs as I did a white-haired girl was in view




Lissana, what is she doing here she was banished by the vampire council, how dare she come back, I can't believe I used to date her, anger filled my veins my fist clenched, anger pulsed through me like fire on the open fields,

"Oh here's Natsu."she said as she pushed pass Lucy.

"Hey Natsu it's been a long time hasn't it?"she smirked

"It seems like you two have some issues to resolve so I'm gonna leave." I heard lucy say as she walked up the stairs.

"Lissana what are you doing here?"I asked harshly.

"Oh do I need a reason to come and visit my beloved."she held her arms out , battling her eyelashes to look cute, well let me tell you it sure as hell wasn't working.

"Cut the crap, and tell me what you really want."I arched an eyebrow.

"I want the girl."she sighed

"What!"I yelled

"I want the girl as a peace offering to sting."she folded her arms.

"Sting? What does that bastard have to do with any of this?"I asked

"Sting wants Lucy and doesn't intend, to give up on getting her."she stated.

"Well tell him he should cause Lucy is mine."I stated

"Why do you even care? she is human there is no value of her life."she scoffed.

"All humans have value, and Lucy won't be human very much longer."I smirked.

"You can't! then her blood will be useless to sting."she said

"Like I give a sh*t, just leave I don't want to talk to you more than I have to now get out of my house!"I yelled.

She huffed"fine!"she yelled stomping out shutting the door behind her, I then heard footsteps, I turned around to see Lucy coming down the stairs, she looked at me, noticing my sudden change of mood.

"Natsu are you alright, you seem worried?"she asked me her eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah I'm fine."I stated.

She came up to me looking into my eyes, man she looked so cute right now I just want to kiss her pink full lips. A really good sent came to my nose I knew what it was it was Lucy's blood. I had to have a drink I wonder if she would let me.

"Lucy can I drink from you?"I asked

Lucy POV

"Lucy can I drink from you?"he asked I suddenly jumped back, fear filling me up just like a cup.

"Lucy, look I promise I won't let it hurt, and I won't drink too much to let you faint."he literally got on to knees and begged, looked down on him plead filled his eyes, I felt sorry for him, and for some reason I kind of trusted him. I sighed bending my head over giving him better access. He got of his knees brushing my hair back, holding my shoulders. Long fangs grew from his gums his eyes turned red filled with hunger and lust. His fangs then sunk into my skin, I groaned but this time the pain was bearable, actually it kind of gave off a nice feeling, I moaned, he stiffened, probably wasn't expecting that. He then retracted his fangs from my body wiping of the excess blood apparent on his lips.

"That was good." he said, I smiled at him.

"Thanks a lot Luce it was really good,"he said.

"No problem Natsu, but can you please heal it?" I asked pointing to my neck.

"Oh right."he said, he walked over to me lifted up my chin bent down to my neck giving it a lustful lick, the feeling of blood running down my neck went away. I sighed in relief.

"Come on let's go to bed ." He said.

Hello people I hope you liked this chapter, oh and if you're wondering I don't hate lissana to be honest I used to but not anymore, don't worry she will be good later on in the book, I hope that this chapter was Good if there was something that you didn't like or that needed improvement please let me know, thanks for all your support and if you liked please vote, comment and follow for more thank you. 😊

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now