Chapter 2:moving in together

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So this is the second chapter, to be honest I was not very proud of  the first chapter, in terms of grammar and the story line but I will try to make this chapter even better.

Lucy POV

I was now at school, it has been three days since me and Natsu were forced to get married, the news spread like wild fire on the open fields. The constant whispers and stares weighing me down with every step I took, I have always worried about what people thought of me, and this was one the one things that's made me the talk of the school. Natsu didn't seem to care, he was being his usual self, selfish, arrogant, mean, flirtatious and carefree. It bothered me that it did not bother  him at all, it was as if nothing ever happened, I sighed I wish I could be like that, but it was like every glance, every whisper made me weaker and weaker and weaker. I took out my books when a hand slammed down on my locker, locking it suddenly, I took a glance up to see it was my future husband, Natsu dragneel.

"What's wrong with you?"he asked arching an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I am perfectly fine."I folded my arms.

"You seem upset."he smirked.

"I told you I'm fine."I responded with a huff, pushing past him and walking to class, I suddenly felt a hand pull on my wrist I turned around and I saw Natsu holding my wrist, I tried to pull out of his grip but it was too strong.

"let me go."I whimpered helplessly

"Nope."he said

"Why not?"I asked

"because our parents want us at your house immediatly"he stated


"I don't know, well come on lets go." he grabbed my wrist pulling me off the school compound.

Time skip,at lucy's house

"so why did we have to get here immediately, for what reason?" I arched an eyebrow at the adults who stood infront of me.

"well we found you guys a house and we need you to pack your bags,"my mother smiled.

"One why couldn't this wait after school and two why do we have to move in together?"I folded my arms.

"One we just couldn't wait, and two your getting married in two days so you have got to move in together."a happy Mrs dragneel giggled, I sighed, looking to my left out the window, I stood there not moving while our parents scattered around the house.

"Go up to you room and pack."I heard a harsh voice say, I looked to my right to see Natsu, pointing to the staircase.

"I don't want to."I folded my arms stubbornly.

"Go up there or I'll make you."

"Really, so what are gonna do about it?"I smirked, he sighed.

"I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this."he signed again.

"Wait wha-"I was cut off when I certain someone, picked me up and through me over his shoulder.

"Hey what are you doing?!"I yelled, beating my small fists against his muscular back, he started to walk up the stairs.

"I am carrying you to your room myself."he stated simply.

"Wha-why?"I whimpered

"Because you need to pack."he said.

"I don't want to."I said quietly.

"What?"he asked

"I said I don't want to!"I yelled.

I was thrown of his shoulder, landing strait on my but unto floor, him standing in front of me, a wall behind me, I was cornered, he then knelt down on one knee, his left hand rested on his left thigh, his right hand dangling from his side, he lifted his right hand putting a finger under my chin, holding it upwards, bringing his face closer so it's just inches away from mine, I blushed.

"N-Natsu."I stuttered,

"What's wrong with me?!"he yelled, he yelled, I looked down.

"Well-" I started but cut myself of.

"Well"he mocked.

"You're a playboy, you don't even care about my feelings, I want to marry a guy that I fell in love with." I sighed.

He smirked.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to make you fall in love with me then."he said

"Never happening."I scoffed, he got up, pulling me by the wrist.

"If you say so."he smiled

In Lucy's room

"You actually wear these things?"I looked to my left to seen Natsu holding my white lace panties, I quickly grabbed, it from him.

"Hey don't dig into my personal stuff!"I yelled, he folded his arms"I was just looking, jeez."

"Well at least ask first." I mumbled.

"Yeah I do what I want."

I scoffed rolling my eyes"anyway I'm almost done." I stated stuffing the last of my clothes into the suitcase.

"Anyway aren't you gonna pack?" I asked him.

"I've got it taken care of."he stated plopping down on my bed.

I looked around my room" I'm gonna miss this place*sigh*."I sat down beside him, the bed screeched, I looked behind me to see that Natsu was in a sitting position, he then snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me over into his lap.

"What are you doing."I blushed

"You're cute when you blush you know that."he smiled, I could feel more blood running up to my cheeks, they felt like they were on fire,I looked at him, he was staring at my neck, he brushed my hair back.

"Natsu wha-" was cut off when he grabbed my neck, I tried to squirm out of his grip but it was two strong,his eyes went red, his teeth grew sharp, he was going to bite me when.

"Guys the limo's ready."we heard my mother call, I jumped of him grabbing my suitcase and running through the door, like lightning, when I got downstairs he was already there, I gasped, he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear "don't you tell anyone what you just saw."he instructed,I nodded in fear, our parents then walked up to us " time for you guys to go and remember the wedding is in three days, bye now." I gave them a quick wave before walking out the door.

Time skip, at the new house.

We had finally reached our new house or should I say new mansion, we went inside our driver carrying out bags, dropping them off at the room we were sleeping in, the driver soon left, I glared at natsu, pushing in on the side of the counter, grabbing him by the collar.

"What are you?!"I yelled

He switched our position,"why would you want to know that darling."he smirked.

"Cause I am marrying you now spill it."I demanded

"Let me explain, I am a vampire, that's it."He got of me walking away.

"Don't just walk away, I want a real explanation, not some made up story, a vampire *chuckle* like I would really believe that."I chuckled, he turned around giving me a death glare.

"You don't believe me huh, well I guess I'll just have to show you then."he smirked, cornering me, my but against the counter, his hands at my waist , he lowered his head so his lips were against my neck, and before I knew it two sharp fangs dug into my skin, a whimper escaped my lips, I groaned in pain, I felt the blood leave my body slowly, my vision blurry.

"Stop!"I yelled "stop it!"he let go his teeth left my neck, he looked at me blood dripping down from, his lips, my eyelids closed, I fell to the ground.

"Told ya."Was the last thing I heard before it all went black.

So I hope you liked this chapter I hope it was an improvement to the last, tell me in the comments of there are things I need to improve. If you liked please vote, comment and follow me for more. See ya :p

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now