Chapter 3:He really is!

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Thank you for voting and commenting on my last story, and thank you for all your support, I have now reached chapter three and I hope you tell me on what needs improvement, so I hope you like this chapter.

Lucy POV

I woke up pain circulating through my body like blood, I could barely move my eyelids creaked open, a blurry pink- haired figure stood before me, I instantly new it was Natsu for he is the only one I know with pink hair.

"It's salmon, not pink,"I heard a harsh voice say.

What how did he know what I was thinking, oh my god is he psychic or something.

"No sweetheart I'm a vampire,I can read your thoughts."

I shot up from the bed, my strength suddenly returning,I looked up, Natsu was walking my way, he held up my chin, I shivered in fear my instincts told me to back away so I did.

"Oh come on I'm just trying to help you."he raised his arms in defense, I settled in my seat looking down. He then came up to me holding my shoulders, he leaned down to my neck, I yelped.

"Please don't bite me again."I pleaded.

"Relax, I helping you I'm not gonna bite you jeez."I then felt a slimy object run across my skin, I froze in place.

"Did you just lick me?"I asked

"Yep, but it will help the wound."he explained, I held my palm up to my neck, just to feel my nice smoothie skin again.

"What! How did y-"I started but he cut me off.

"Vampire abilities."he stated, backing away.

I nodded

"So does my parents know that your some kind of supernatural being?"I asked in frustration.

"A vampire, and yes they do, let's just say to bring our businesses together isn't the only thing we are supposed to get married for."he said suspiciously, a smirk crawled up his face.

"And what is that?"I folded my arms.

"I'hats gonna be kept a secret,"he smirked "for now."

"So why did you have to bite me?"I asked.

"I had to prove a point what else could I have done!"he yelled.

"Well I don't know, show me your fangs, do the I can read your mind thing."I said with a voice filled with mockery.

"Yeah I could of done that couldn't I, late."he shrugged, I face palmed.

"And now darling."he walked up to me holding my chin up, "I am gonna mark our bond."

"What are y-" he cut me off with a kiss, a nice passionate addictive kiss, he backed away.

"I just marked it."he then smirked and walked away.

"Wait what do you mean by marking a bond?"I asked

"I'll explain later, I am tired I think I am gonna go take a nap."he yawned.

"Wait you can't just leave me after what you just did!" I yelled.

"I am pretty sure I can."was the last thing I heard before the door slammed shut, I growled stomping my foot angrily on the ground.

I sighed, I think I am gonna take a shower,

Time skip, after the shower.

Came out of the shower wearing my towel, my wet hair dripping on the floor, I quickly walked into the bedroom, shocked to see Natsu snoring away to dreamland. I cautiously walked to the drawer, opening almost soundlessly,

"You woke me up,"I heard, I froze, turning my head slightly to see Natsu standing right behind me, I jumped back, facing him holding my towel to prevent it from falling down, his eyes went wide, and they were not looking at mine.

"Hello eyes up hear."I pointed, he shook his head making eye contact.

"So you want to tell me why you woke me up, my sleep is very important you know."he growled

"Sorry I was just trying to get my clothes, and I barely made any noise how did did you wake up like that?"I tilted my head in confusion filed my senses.

"Oooh I didn't tell you."he face palmed,

"Tell me what?"I asked.

"I have super hearing."he explained.

"What, how can I ever have a private conversation in this house again?"I asked.

"I guess you won't be able to." He shrugged."and by the way you towels slipping.

I looked down I was looked down I was half flashed, I quickly did something and pulled my towel back up, I then got my pj's and walked back to the bathroom, something tells me my life is gonna be a lot different from now on.

Thank you for reading, I really hope you liked this chapter, I know it is not as long as my previous chapters but I was very lazy and had to do studying for my mid-term so ya, if there are anyways I need improvement just please tell me I will gladly take it. If you liked this chapter please comment, vote and follow for more thanks for all your support. See ya 😛

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now