Chapter 5:Its bedtime

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I have now reached chapter 5, I hope you really like it, thanks for all the support, now let's get on with the story.

Lucy POV

"Come on let's go to bed."Natsu said, I blushed.

"O-okay."I was blushing hard at the thought of me and Natsu sleeping in the same bed. No stop it with the blushing Lucy! He will think your vulnerable.

"Well aren't you?"Natsu asked.

Crap, I forgot he could read my thoughts.

"Yes so you should be more careful about what you're thinking."he smirked.

"Can you not read my thoughts?"I asked, he put a hand on my head and Ruffled my hair.

"Nope I rather see you blushing like that all the time."he smirked, I hit his hand of my head and pouted.

"Your a meany."I stated

"Yes but I'm your meany."he chuckled, I folded my arms looking away blushing even more.

"Whatever."I said.

We finally got to the bedroom, we plopped down on the bed exhausted from the big day that we had. I slipped underneath the covers snuggling inside, I heard snoring, I looked up and saw that Natsu was sleeping, I smiled at how cute he was, I put the covers over him, he stirred  a little bit pulling me into his chest, I blushed hard, he snuggled his face into my neck and took a deep breath.

"N-Natsu."I stuttered.

"Lucy~"he replied in a sleepy state, I looked down realizing he was still asleep, was he dreaming about me? I shook my head at the thought no he could never like me, he was probably thinking about some other girl from his past named Lucy, yeah that's it.

"Lucy you smell so good~"he said again in his sleep.

He shot up in a sitting position, I gasped, I still heard faint snores, I sat up looking at him, his eyes were closed, he was still asleep, did he always do this in his sleep? My thoughts were cut off as he fell on me, his body on top of mine, I gasped what was going on did he do weird things in his sleep or was it a vampire thing.

"Sting you can't have Lucy~"he also said, sting! Who the hell is sting and why exactly does he want me? I tried to pry Natsu of me but he was way too strong, I started to shake him, he just groaned in his sleep.

"Natsu, get of off me."I said, he finally flipped over back to his side of the bed, I decided to go wash my face cause I felt like it. I got up walking to the bathroom quietly, splashing some water on my face, I looked in the mirror I was exhausted. I slowly walked back to the room. To my suprize Natsu was shirtless,  oh my gawd be was so hot, with his defined eight-pack abbs and his muscular biceps and his sexy pecks, I felt as if a god was standing before me, I just wanted to run my hands up and down his chest right now.

"I'm flattered Luce."I heard a voice say, oh no he's awake, he must of heard everything, oh no he is so gonna use it against me.

"Oh Lucy I am hurt that you think so low off me, I was just so flattered you think I'm hot, you know your not so bad your self."he stated, I blushed walking back over to the bed getting under the sheets, my back turned to him, I felt a hand snake over my waist, I was pulled into a chest, I turned around to face Natsu, he was so warm I wanted snuggle with him some more, he snuggled his face into my neck, his hot breath across it.

"Goodnight Luce."was the last thing I heard before I feel asleep.

Time skip, in the morning.

It was now morning, I opened my eyes slightly as I felt the Suns gleam beating down on my eyes, I groaned rolling over, when I felt something in my chest, it was Natsu's face, I screamed, falling of the bed and covering my chest, Natsu groaned getting up, rubbing his head.

"What is it luce Natsu, why is your face so red."he asked

"Your a pervert, you don't just use a girls chest as your pillow."I felt my face get redder as I said that.

"Oh that's what was so soft, sorry lucy."his face got as red as a tomato, I sighed, get up.

"It's alright, I'm gonna make breakfast what do you want?" I asked

"You, can I have a little of your blood I won't hurt you I promise."He said giving me a puppy dog face.

"Fine." I gave in.

He got up pushing me onto the bed, I hung my head over giving him better access, he then sunk his fangs into my skin, I felt the rush of the blood as it left my body.

"That's enough,"I stated he took his fangs out, looking into my eyes.

"Thanks."he said.

"No problem."I smiled.

This is the end of this chapter, I am so sorry if it's short please forgive me, I hope you liked it, if there is anything that's needs improvement just tell me I will take the advice gladly, I hope it's goo d if it is, please vote, comment and follow me for more thank you 😊

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