Chapter 20:Peace

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The last chapter I am so sad, but don't worry there will be an epilogue.

Lucy POV

"NATSU!" I yelled, everything seemed to be going in slow motion, and before I knew it lissana jumped right in front of Natsu talking the hit of the steak in her chest instead.

"Lissana."I yelled running to her side, her chest painted with blood, I leaned down and tried to pull the steak out of her but it was into her chest pretty deep.

"Lucy."I heard a croaky voice say.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes I haven't known her that long but who ever saves Natsu will be my best friend in a millisecond.

"Please take care of Natsu."I heard her say before her eyes closed, her body turning grey and veiny. My eyes filled with tears but I smiled it was like one side of my head was all like 'she died saving Natsu' and the other side was all like 'yay Natsu's alive.'

I got up wiping my tears. "Thank you lissana."I smiled, giving Natsu a nice warm hug.

"Whatever, I didn't need that bitch anyway all she does is let me down."I heard sting say but I didn't care the only thing that mattered to me was that Natsu was alive as I hugged him closer.

"I thought I thought I was gonna loose you Natsu, I really did, don't scare me like that ever again."I cried hugging him closer.

"It's okay Lucy I'm alive and I will love forever and I'll be here forever and ever  ever with you, don't worry."he told me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Now let me kill sting."he told me.

"Gladly, and I'll help."I told him, releasing the embrace that was given.

I stood at his side ready to attack.

"Do you really think you asses can beat me."sting chuckled "Bring it."he growled.

I looked over at Natsu and he nodded, and with that we charged at sting with super speed as I fell on top of him in a straddling position while Natsu skidded past us. I reached into his chest and said:

"This is for trying to kidnap me, for trying rape me, for trying to kill me, for trying to kill Natsu and for killing lissana!"I yelled and yanked his heart out. His head fell back his eyes closed his body turning grey and veiny, I dropped his heart on the floor my hand bloody, I got up of him smiling at my work, I looked up to seen Natsu in shock and the rest of the gang whimpering away, well aren't they babies, I guess there nothing without sting.

I ran towards Natsu giving him a passionate kiss, he kissed back wrapping his arms around my waist, I ran my fingers through his hair pulled his head closer, he pulled away out of breath I looked at him pouting  my lips.

"Lucy I didn't mean to stop but we have to hide the bodies."he told me I nodded letting go of Natsu as he let go of me.

After we hid the bodies and went home.

"Natsu I am so glad we can live as a normal married couple in peace now that sting is gone."I said as I sat on Natsu's lap in a straddling position wrapping my hands around his neck.

He chuckled placing his hands in my butt cheeks, I blushed "I am too."he smiled and with that I pulled him into a passionate kiss of lust and hunger, he turned me around laying me on the couch that we had sat upon not breaking the kiss and started fondling with my boobs.

And once again things had gotten steamy last night.

Awwww the last chapter pleas be waiting for the epilogue, I hoped you like this story all of you and thank you guys for everything. And no there will be no sequel and please in the comments tell what you though about the story and if you wanted or didn't want lissana to die pleas vote and follow me too thanks.

See ya guys 😝

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now