Chapter 10:Natsu saves the day

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Okay so it has been decided there will be no werewolfs in this story most people were like 'no werewolfs' so I listened, and started writing this chapter, and thanks for everything.

Lucy POV

"Miss me."sting rudely said smirking in my face.

"Not even the slightest bit."I shot back as I backed up unto the bathroom counter. Where were all the frickin people! This mall is like so empty! Why won't somebody come in and save my life or at least my body!

He walked towards me, I whimpered backing up more, but my butt was right there squished against the counter. Before I knew it the blonde headed vampire stoop before me licking his lips with pleasure. I had to get out of here, there was no telling what that guy would do to me but I didn't want to stick around to find out.

I moved my body to the side, but he blocked me with this hand, I then moved to the other side were he blocked me again, so I slid under his widely opened legs running to the door, but guess what it was locked, it was freakin locked! I started to pull the knob hard in desperation but is was not working, no wonder there were no people in the bathroom.

"Lucy, the more you try to get away from me the harder it will be."I heard someone say in my ear l turned around sting slammed me against the door, I groaned in pain, struggling out of his tight grip, he suddenly ripped open my button up shirt, I gasped, his gaze upon my breasts. He gripped my wrists slamming them against the door as he went to kiss my neck, he didn't seem like he was going to bite my neck for that I was very greatful, but my other theory was 'he was trying to rape me!'
I panicked, I have been in a few of these situations before but the were never this serious you know like when some random perverted guy, just comes up to you and grabs your ass, but nothing this serious, I struggled out of his grip like my life depended on it 'which it did' he slammed me again, I groaned in pain.

"Please stop."I whimpered, tears running down my face like a river.

"Nope not when a hot bod like this is bonded to dragneel."

"Bonded, what do you mean bonded?!"I yelled, my voice still shaky from my cries.

"It's when a person a vampire has marked, can't be with any other person but him."

"What! That's not possible, he can't just claim me!"

"I know that, and there's a way to undo it."he looked in my eyes, I looked into his evil and list filled them like a cup of water.

"How?"I asked.

"You have just got to have sex with me sweet heart, it's that simple."he smirked.

Fury filled my veins, my hatred for him, exploded in my face as I kneed him in the crotch, he fell on the floor groaning in pain.

I ran for the window in one of the stalls, I stood up on the toilet when suddenly sting grabbed my waist pulling me down.

"It takes more than that to take down a vampire sweet heart". He whispered huskily in my ear. "You know I didn't think I was gonna have to result to this but you leave me no choice."fear filled my veins, then all of a sudden my body was like I couldn't move I could still feel the pain my body experienced, so I wasn't numb 'I was paralyzed that a$-$hole!'

"No, no, no it's not nice to call the one who is keeping you captive an a$$hole."

He came up to me I couldn't move I was paralyzed, I let out a cry "NATSU!"
He slammed me against the wall shutting me up.

Natsu POV

What was taking Lucy so long u have been waiting for twenty minutes, like really how long does it take for a girl to piss.

"NATSU!"I heard someone cry, it was definitely Lucy, with my super hearing I could tell in a heartbeat, I ran at super speed to the bathroom kicking the door down, I say Lucy paralyzed on the floor, shirtless while sting was kissing her neck and his hand were halfway down her pants, I swear I was gonna kill him, but as I sped towards him, he super sped out the window 'coward' I thought as I walked to Lucy, her huge chest rising and falling as she panted, he cheek stained with tears.

"Lucy are you alright?"I asked, she shook her head and started to cry, cry so hard, I wanted to hug and kiss her to make he feel better, I captured her in a hug my hand wrapped around her caressing her bare back, as she snuggled he cute face into my neck, as I ran my fingers through her hair, her nice soft hair.

"I'm sorry Natsu, I'm so so sorry." She cried.

"What are you sorry for your the one who nearly got rapped."I stated.

"No! This is my fault I should have listened to you this was all me, I may be the most idiotic girl on this earth."she cried.

I held her shoulders she couldn't move cause she was paralyzed one of stings greatest tricks for girls.

"Look Lucy your not an idiot you made a mere mistake, people do that, don't worry I'll take all those sting germs off you."I smirked, she must have known what I implied cause she blushed, and a dark color too.

"C'mon let's get you home."I picked her up bridal style and covered her chest with her ripped up shirt.

We then walked to the car and again the ride was completely silent.

When we got home I picked Lucy up as we went inside the safe house and I put her safely on the bead, she smiled at me thanking me for all I had done.

I walked over to her giving her a kiss on her neck before saying ."get some rest princess." She blushed hard before nodding and closed he eyes soon after I watched as she fell asleep her cute little snores, were actually soothing which was unusual, I swear this girl got me whipped, I had to have her, I had already claimed her but I needed to make her mine and I promise any guy who touched her would die in a heartbeat. I knew I was in love with her but she didn't.

I sighed and went to get something to eat.

Hello my readers promised you ode update on Thursday didn't I, well I fulfilled my promise I'm here and I promise the next chapter is going to be very naluish. I hope you liked and if you did please vote, comment and follow me for more.


And no werewolves

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now