Chapter 18:lucy the vampire

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Okay what you all have been waiting for has come true Lucy will now be a vampire.

Lucy POV

I woke up once again beside a naked Natsu, his arms were rapped tightly around me and his head was snuggled I the crook if my neck giving me a nice feeling.

"Mmm Natsu."I said still in a daze.

"Yes Luce." he said as he trailed soft kisses up my neck.

"Not now Natsu."I groaned.

"But Lucy!"he exclaimed.

"No buts."I stated "you know what you have to do today."I stated.

"Yes I know, but are you sure?"he asked.

"How much times am I going to tell you that I'm sure, I want this Natsu, I want to live eternally with you and I want to be able to protect myself."I said, turned to face him, sincerity and need present in them the need to be with Natsu forever and the need to protect myself.

"Alright Lucy if you say so, I was just making sure you were sure."he said.

I quickly got uptake he out some clothes putting it on.

"Ready?"Natsu asked.

"Ready." I confirmed.

(A/N the transition is going to be like the one from vampire diaries, the like best show ever that's not an anime)

He came up to me biting his hand, he shoved it in my face, blood oozing out of the cut he had just made with his fangs.

"Drink."he demanded.

"Waaaaa?"I asked, totally confused.

"Drink, hurry it's healing."

I did as he said and placed my mouth over the cut sucking up the red liquid from his hand, using my hands to hold his hand firmly in place. He pulled his hand away as he did I felt his blood drip down my soft lips as his cut quickly healed.

"This is going to hurt."he stated, right before he snapped my neck everything going dark.

Time skip, a while after.

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped for air,I groaned in pain rubbing my neck slowly sitting up from of the floor.

"So your finally awake."I looked up to see Natsu, sitting on the bed holding a blood bag, he tossed it to me and skillfully I caught it.

"Drink it ."he told me, I did as instructed popping of the top, gulping it down, I drank and I drank I couldn't stop it was two good I drank every last drop of that blood the tasty liquid running down my throat. After I finished the last of the blood I licked the excess off the plastic bag and threw it down on the other side of the room.

I quickly got up walking towards Natsu, I was craving blood I wanted more, no, I needed more and I needed more now.

"Natsu, I want more."I begged, he held me by my shoulders looking into my eyes.

"Your going to be like this when you first turn, your going to want blood but you have to learn to control it."he stated.

"No Natsu I don't want it, I need it."I quickly got out of his grip quickly super speeding out the door.

"Lucy!"I heard Natsu yell, dang that hurt, now I know what he meant by vampire hearing, I sped down to the side walk to see a girl walking all by herself, a teenage girl to be exact. I could smell her blood pumping through her veins, her heart beating at a steady pace.

I speed up to her fast pushing her up against the wall of a dark alley holding her by her neck, she winced, I licked my lips my fangs grew bursting through my gums ,blood running up to my face, I was about to bite her when someone pulled me off her, I looked behind me it was Natsu, he pushed me behind him and went to the girl looking into her eyes then saying.

"You won't remember any of this and your gonna run home." The girl nodded and took off, I tried to go after her but Natsu pushed me against the wall.

"Lucy you need to control yourself,"I tried to struggle out if his strong grip.

"You nearly killed her!"he shouted at me, I froze realizing what I had done, I fell in my knees burying my face in my hands tears streaming down my face.

"Lucy it's okay."he said , bent down beside me rubbing my back.

"No! It's not okay alright."I cried."I nearly killed her !"

"Lucy it's okay I've killed people before."he told me.

I lifted my face from my hands.

"You have?"I asked.

"Yes."he told me. "And I regret each and every minute of each and every one."he explained.

I looked up into his sad eyes wiping my tears away giving him a hug, kissing him passionately on his lips.

I pulled away and said "it's okay."I smiled at him realizing he has gone through way worse.

"Thanks Luce."he smiled.

"Oh how sweet the the two vampire lovers getting on with things."I froze knowing the voice, I turned to see sting and his merry vampire gang.

"Sting."I groaned.

"Hi princess or should I say vampire princess."



OH how I love Christmas the season of giving, thank you all as you can tell I am near to the end of the book just a few chapters left.

And all who have t read my book the the dark dragon please do I would be very grateful thank you.

See ya 😜

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now