Chapter 14:The project

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I wanted to say I do not appreciate hateful comments on my story none if your gonna correct me please do it nicely, I am talking to one specific person who knows them self, If you don't have anything nice to say don't comment AT ALL! and for all the people who comment nicely thank you!

Normal POV

The couple got out of the car walking towards the school entrance, the blonde baring a pout and the pinkette chuckling. When they got inside they received there books from there lockers and proceeded to there first class sitting in two seats near the back. The young teacher Mr dreyar walked in placing his things on the teachers desk.

"Okay today you will be receiving a project and will be working in pairs of two."he smiled, rubbing his hands together, soon after picking up the paper that the assigned pairs were written down on.

Lucy POV

I really wasn't listening to the teacher I was just waiting to hear my name.

"Natsu dragneel and erza scarlet, Lucy heartfilia and sting eucliffe......" I froze in my chair gripping the pencil so hard it broke, I couldn't be working on a group project with sting, that meant he could get me alone, and that meant he would rape me then have me for dinner, it was a nightmare just thinking about it.

After the teacher explained, what the project was about, I raised my hand.

"Yes Lucy?"

"Well I was wondering if I could you know switch partners."I chuckled nervously.

"Why is there a problem with your assigned partner?"he asked, raising his scared eyebrow.

Yes of course, he is trying to catch me and I'm his prey.

"No sir, I just rather be with someone else."

"We'll miss heartfilia I'm afraid that's not possible, I give my dearest apologies."

"Yes sir."I said as I returned my attention to the text book in front of me.

Soon class was dismissed and I walked out of there immediately.

"Looks like you and I are working together."someone snickered and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was it was that a$$hole sting.

"Leave me alone sting."I said clutching my books to my chest as I tried to avoid my soon to be murderer.

I'd  never thought I'd die doing homework.

"No actually I want to discuss the homework."he said, evil evident in his voice.

I spun around looking him in the eye "I'll do it by myself."with that I spun around ready to leave, but then he grabbed my shoulders pushing me against the lockers many students around us gasped looking our way.

"Look here you little bitch I am gonna get your body and f*** you so hard you'll be screaming my name, then I'll have you for dinner drinking every last ounce of your precious little blood."he said harshly, I coughed.

What bad breath, what did he eat this morning 500 rats and a hobo.

"First of all don't wish for what you can't have and second take a breath mint, I know your trying to kill me but don't take it this far, now leave me alone."

He once again slammed me onto the lockers, I winced in pain. All of a sudden sting was grabbed of me, I sighed in relief, to my surprise it was Natsu, he was holding him by the collar and had anger plastered all over his face.

Natsu POV

"She said to leave her alone."I growled at him.

"I don't think you want to fight me you'll get suspended."he smirked, I growled throwing him onto the floor realizing he was right but that didn't mean I wouldn't do it outside of school there was no way he was going to hurt my Lucy.

"This isn't over eucliffe, you lay one finger on Lucy again and the next time you wake up you'll be burning in hell."I growled giving him one last look before walking away.

"Awwww, I thought they were gonna fight."we heard students in a crowd formed near the scene muttered.

Lucy POV

Natsu came up walking to me, his hands cupping my cheeks for me to look up at him, his onyx eyes were filled with concern and worry.

"Are you alright."he asked, before kissing my forehead, nose, cheeks and neck, I blushed as he kissed all over my face.

"Natsu I'm fine, I'm alright."I exclaimed holding one of his wrists, he gave me one last peck on my lips before letting go of me, I immediately missing the heat that was radiating of his body.

"Alright Lucy, I was just making sure."he said.

At this point my fave was as red as a tomato, he actually cared he really cared about me and I loved that.

He gave me a poke in the cheek"you look so cute when you blush."he smiled.

I held my head down in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed, I love it when you blush, you look so pretty."he was making blush so I'd look like I was painted red.

I pulled on the jacket sleeve, I could feel his eyes on me as my head was down.

"Can we go to class now it's starting."I stated as the bell had just rang not too long ago but with all the commotion, he didn't seem to notice.

"Sure Lucy, let's go."he said as he slung an arm around my shoulder and I blushed deep red and when I mean deep red I mean down right crimson. One of these days someone is gonna mistake me for a tomato and put me in soup.

"Lucy no one can do that to you when I'm around."Natsu chuckled

Damn I forgot he can read my thoughts.

"As I told you before my dare love Lucy be careful of what you think, your mind is so interesting you think the weirdest things, it's hard to resist reading your thoughts."he stated.

I really need to take his advice.

"Yes, yes you do."


Thank you so much for reading this chapter, it means so much to me and I love you all so much. I really would like if you refrain from any Negative comments this story is not as yet edited and it will not be until the end of the story, please take Thai I to consideration. Next week arm my end of term exams so I will not be able to update as much please understand its just a week and a half. Anyway if you liked this chapter please vote, comment and follow me for more oh and add my story to your reading list.

Buh-bye 😜

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