Chapter 13:4 freaking AM

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I haven't been updating very often  and for that I give my dearest apologies, FYI I am still sick I haven't been to school for like three days so I might not be updating that often so let's get on with the story.

Lucy POV

I slowly opened my eyes, because I felt someone shaking me.

"Luce, wake up."

I groaned"2 more hours."

"Really Luce wake up now."

I slowly got up yawning and rubbing my head. I turn to give the clock a quick look, and do you know what it said? Do you know? It said 4:00am! I looked at Natsu slightly angered, okay understatement, really angry.

"What the hell Natsu it's 4 freaking AM, who the hell wakes up at this time!"I yelled.

"People who don't want to get eaten by sting Lucy so come on, and get your ass out of the damn bed at go get ready."he exclaimed. 

I groaned getting out of the bed to get ready for school.I had a quick shower, I put on my uniform and brushed out my long blonde hair as it delicately over my shoulder, I applied some light lip gloss and I was ready for the day, who am I kidding I felt like I haven't slept for like a month, I was so tired, it was a real piece a work just keeping my eyes open.

"Natsu!"I yelled sheepishly, he came running through the room door.

"Yes Luce."

"Carry me to the car would ya, I tired."

He came up to me swooping me in his arms, I laid my head on his chest.

"Lucy your gonna have to get used to this cause it's how your life is gonna be every school day."

I groaned "what why, oh why sting why did you have to ruin my perfect life."

He chuckled "yep that's what the dark ones'l do to ya."

And that was the last thing I heard him say when my sleepiness took control.

Time skip, about........ I don't know let's just say 45 minutes, yeah,let's just go with that.

My eyes blinked open, as I did I saw the  car window as I heard car sounds I quickly got up.

"Finally got up sleepyhead don't worry we are almost at school."I heard Natsu say.

I nodded not speaking a word, it's like yesterday never even happened, it just obliterated, into thin air.

"No Lucy I didn't forget about yesterday."Natsu stated

Oh right he read my mind again.

"You know you have got to stop doing that."I groaned.

"What's the fun in that."he chuckled

"Whatever."I scoffed crossing my feet on top of the seat.

So it doesn't matter that I love him well that's good news, and he can't hear what I just said cause it had something to do with love also very good news.

"Luce I don't know what you just thought so it's obviously about love, if your thinking that I think that it doesn't matter that you love me well you know what you are very wrong."he stated.

Even when he can't read my mind he knows what I'm thinking.

"Oh Lucy."he chuckled

We soon pulled up at the school gates.

"Let's stay here and wait till school starts."he stated.

"Okay,"was all I said.

After that is was complete and utter heart breaking silence, he is just lucky that it was a nice car or I would have smashed it up just because I was board, after a few minutes I decided to start up a conversation.

"Let's talk."I started.

"About what?"he asked.

"About us."I stated.

"Lucy."he groaned.

"Oh come on, you can't just kiss a girl and sexually harass her one day and then act like it never happened the next."I explained.

"What do you expect me to do, I'm new to this whole dating thing I used to be a player, it was one girl tonight another girl the next I don't know this stuff."he explained.

"I know that but you could at least make an effort."I pouted.

"Look I'm sorry you did not have to know that, but what do you suggest make out in the back seat."he asked

I stated quiet, I tried my best not to think either, don't think, don't think just don't think, I can do this just don't think.

"You want too don't you?"he asked rhetorically.

I gave in "yeah."

"Well unfortunately for you schools starting so come on."

I sighed getting out of the car.

Oh I am so sorry Lucy that I chose this date for you. Heya I know I haven't been updating lately and I explained the reason at the to anyway I hope you liked this chappy cause I did. Please vote comment and follow me for more see ya.

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