Chapter 7:Sleep over

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I hope you all love this book so far, I really do,I hope I have improved, I am thinking of putting some werewolfs in this book tell me if I should I the comments, not to the chapter.

Natsu POV

"Lucy why are we even making pancakes for a sleepover it doesn't make any sense."I complained

"Cause it's fun Natsu."she giggled, smiling at me, I felt my cheeks get hot, I didn't even know why.

"Your acting like a five year old, you know that right."I chuckled, she whacked me in the head.

"I am not."she blushed, going back to cooking, 'I guess she's back' I sighed.

"So when is everyone coming?"I asked

"I told them seven."she responded,

After that it was complete and utter silence, it was killing me. I spotted an open bag filled with flower, I smirked, this was my chance to spice things up. I took a handful of the flower, throwing it on Lucy, she dramatically dropped the spatula that was in her hands turning my way, her face red from embarrassment and fury.

"NATSU!!!" She yelled 'uh oh' I thought she grabbed a hand full of flower and threw it at me but I dodged, smirking at her I stood upright.

Lucy POV

I watched as he smirked at me and stood upright again, I huffed.

"You seem mad."he chuckled

"Your damn right I'm mad."I grabbed another hand full of flower throwing it in his direction, and again he dodged with that same sly smirk playing on his handsome face.

"Aww Luce I'm flattered."

"I thought I told you not to read my thoughts."I stated

"Hmmm let me think, No!"

So I did what I had to do I tackled him pinning his hands to the floor while I sat on his torso, he smirked, and flipped me on to the floor so that we switched positions, it probably takes a lot more than that to take down a  vampire.

"Got any more ideas Luce, wait let me think no you don't."he smirked.

I tried to get up but he just pushed me back down.

"Okay, I surrender."I gave in.

"That's more like it."he smirked.

"You guys became close earlier than I thought you would."we heard someone say, we looked in the walkway only to see all the friends we invited over, if I wasn't pinned to the floor right now I would so face palm. Natsu quickly got of me as I quickly got up brushing my skirt of.

"I am going to clean this flower off , I'll be right back."I quickly ran out of the room my face as red as a tomato. That idiot this is all his fault.

Time skip, after shower

I was walking down to see all my friends smiling and Natsu with his face in his hands.

"Lucy we have the perfect dare for you."levy smirked.

"Guys what's going on did you start playing without me."I folded my arms.

"Yeah and it's your turn, so truth or dare?"levy asked

"Dare obviously!"I yelled

"Lucy you just made a big mistake."Natsu face palmed.

"Wha-"I started but was cut of.

"We dare you to flash Natsu."erza scarlet smiled.

I was shocked.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to."sting shrugged.

"Nope juvia thinks she has to,"my friend juvia smiled.

"Tell me you mean flash as in take a picture."I nervously chuckled.

Erza gave me a death glare "no Lucy the other one." I sweat dropped.

"Well can we at least do it some where private I don't want all of you seeing my chest."I begged

Levy pointed to the closet at the far end of the room, I sighed grabbing Natsu's hand carrying him into the closet, at shutting the door.

"Luce are you really gonna do this?"Natsu asked smirking.

"A dares, a dare."I sighed, pulling my shirt and bra up revealing my bare breasts.

He stared, he stared at them like a Tv he stated to reach out and at that point I pulled my shirt back down, my face red with embarrassment.

"Lucy you never told me your chest was so big."he said his face red.

"Whatever let us just not speak if this ever again."I sighed, pushing the closet door open, we walked out, we were both still blushing crimson red.

"So did you do it?"levy asked,

"Yes I did."I looked down.

After the fun of the night.

"Okay our long night is over, I'm tired let's crash."I stretched as I slipped into my sleeping bag, they all did the same, soon snores were heard all around the room, I was about to fall asleep when.

"Hey Lucy."I felt a tap on my shoulder I groaned rolling over, seeing my new friend sting.

"What is it?"I asked

"Can you show me where the bathroom is I couldn't find it this house is way too big."he smiled

"Sure thing."I said getting up "follow me." I assured him, I started to walk as he followed closely behind.

"Here it is."I said pointing to the white door.

"Thanks."he smirked, I couldn't help but notice the evil look in his eyes, I started to back away, but he grabbed my wrist pulling me I into the bathroom pressing me against the wall, hard, I yelped.

"Sting what's going on what are you gonna do to me."he leaned down to my neck, his hot breathe on my skin, giving me shivers, his hands started to roam my body in a very violating way, I squirmed.

"Sting stop!"I yelled, "stop." I cried


I felt two sharp fangs sink in to my neck, I screamed, blood was being drained out of my body faster than the speed of light.

"Stop please."tears left my eyes, I cried.

He took his fangs out, looking at me his eyes red "now my beauty why would I do  that." He went back to my neck drinking out of me once more, I felt weak, my arms dangling from either side of my body, I fell to the floor, the last thing I saw was a pink haired figure running into the bathroom.

"Natsu."I mumbled before it all went black.

Wow dramatic chapter,am I right, I hope you really liked this chapter and if you did please vote, comment and follow me for more and remember to tell me if you want werewolf's in this book.

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now