Chapter 11:The beach

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Sorry for not updating yesterday, which I already did apologize, anyway I hope you like this chapter I've got no new news so let's just get on with the story.

Lucy POV

I woke up from my short nap, now more relaxed recalling the events that had just took place, as I got up I saw Natsu eating a sandwich while leaning his bent arm on the counter top, when he noticed me he smiled.

"Someone took a short nap, thought you'd sleep like you haven't in months."he smirked, I chuckled.

"Guess your more comfortable showing yourself of to me now huh."what was he taking about?

"Your still not wearing a shirt Luce."he chuckled, I looked down and he was right, I was shirtless, I quickly reacted by folding my arms over my chest.

"You perv."I screamed, blushing bright red.

The next thing I knew he was behind me caressing my arms as his breath lingered on my neck, I froze.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before."he whispered, capturing me in a hug, I blushed Crimson as he hugged me from behind, his arms around my waist, as he had his chin on my shoulder.

"Let's go to the beach."he said.

"What about sting?"my breath hitched,
As my body was filled with nerve.

"he will never find us, if you never new there is a beach near here."he stated.

"Okay fine."I gave in.

"Good, now go put on a sexy bikini and let's go hit the beach."he shouted with excitement.

I blushed even redder getting up to get me bathing suit.

I got my white one with a flower engraved on the left breast. I quickly slipped it on, putting on a shorts and tank top over it.

I got out to see Natsu already in his swim trunks, just with a shirt on, I just wanted to rip that shirt of him............
...................Wait NO!

"Why Luce I didn't know you thought such dirty things about me."he smirked.

"You read my mind wrong."I blushed, folding my arms.

"Actually, you can't read a mind wrong."he just stood there and kept smirking his face of.

"Whatever, let's just go now."I blushed opening the door, and walking out holding my head down, I can't believe I have to be careful of what I think.

"Yes, yes you do."he said.

I then felt a strong musclular arm sling around my shoulder, I yelped, Natsu then pulled me closer to him.

"Stay close to me okay."he said, I nodded as we started to walk to to the beach.

Time skip, at the beach

We had finally reached, the beach no one was there, it was so peaceful, the waves crashed against the shore like music to my ears, we kicked of our shoes walking on the nice warm sand as it sent tingles through our feet.

When we got to the water, I slid of my shorts and tossed away my top, the warm sun beating against my skin, I looked at Natsu.

"Won't this like kill you?"I asked.

"Don't believe everything you read and watch, I actually like the sun." He replied.

I made the '0' face and went back to looking back to the see the sea, an arm slung around my shoulder, I looked to my side to see Natsu, shirtless, with his toned abbs gleaming in the sun, I just wanted to run my hand over them.

"Oh Luce what am I going to do with you, all your thoughts, so perverted."he chuckled.

"It's not my fault your hot jeez."OMG did I just say that out loud, oh my gawd! What am I going to do.

"Oh Luce, that's why I love you, oh and has anyone ever told you have a body to die for."

"Yep, lots of times."I stated calmly but really I was freaking out 'love' does he really feel that way about me, something was wrong Natsu was quiet, did he not read my mind. To think of it when ever I think about love it's like Natsu can't read my mind, is that how it works.

"Let's go get a swim."I stated, running into the water.

"Coming!"he yelled back, running after me.

He then suddenly hugged me from behind, caressing my stomach with his nice warm hands, I literally melted into him, not caring about anything, I quickly turned around my hands on his shoulders as I pressed my breasts up against his chest, I could hear him gulp.

"Lucy what are you doing?"he asked, as I stared down at his lips, I knew I liked him it was now or never, I started to lean in my lips slightly parted, I leaned in more and........


Sorry about that I just had to do it, I will be updating in Thursday so don't worry, you have a few days to wait, thanks for the support, and if you liked this chapter, please vote, comment and please follow me for more. Thank you.

Later 😜

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now