Chapter 8:Safe house?

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I just one to thanks all my readers cause I have got to 1k reads and I am so great full and happy, you still did not tell me if you wanted werewolfs in this book, tell me in the comments if you do, please now to the story.

Lucy POV

My eyes slowly opened, a blurry vision of a pink haired figure came into view, it was Natsu.

"You alright?"he asked

I instantly shot up from the bed, panting heavily like I had just ran 50 miles.

"Sting.......he......vampire."I panted, my eyes widened, I clutched the center of my chest, Natsu got unto the bed I was laying pulling me into his chest, hugging me and he ran a hand through my soft hair, this calmed me, my panting slowing, my breathing almost slowed.

"Shhhh, Lucy it's okay now."he said as he rested his chin on my head playing with my hair, my hand reached to my neck the cuts previously made, still the there, dried blood stained my neck.



"Can you heal my neck?"I asked

"Luce, it doesn't work that way."


"Only the vampire that bit you can heal you, but don't worry it'll go away quickly with no scares, but for now you have to stay hear that bite is evidence we as vampires exist."Natsu stated

I looked around the room this was not our house. Where were we?



"Where are we?"I asked

"We're at the safe house our parents made to protect you from the dark ones."

"The dark who?"I asked

"I don't want to explain to you fully right now, but all I have to say is there is a gang of vampires who want you and will stop at nothing to get you."he sighed.


"Not right now Lucy, don't push it!"he yelled

"Okay, I'm sorry."I said in a low crackly voice.

"I'm sorry Lucy, I didn't mean to yell, I just don't want to talk about it right now."

I nodded my head slightly. Sting, so that's what Natsu meant in his dream I should have had the common sense, not to invite sting, I just thought it was a dream and he was talking about some bee or something, I don't know.

"I'm sorry for not listening, it's my fault this happened."I said lowering my head so my bangs shadowed over my eyes.

"Luce it's not your fault, you couldn't have known, and to be honest I've never seen sting before and I didn't know what he looked like so I wasn't sure who it was."

"Did you bring us clothes."I asked

"Yep, don't worry, I got all the things that you need."

"Cellphone?"I asked

"Yes Lucy."he chuckled, and got of the bed leaving me all alone.

"Where are you going."I asked

"I am going out to get some food for us to eat."he said walking out the door, I sighed, I was all alone now, and I hated it, and I wasn't about to tell Natsu that, the tap of a foot stopped my trade of thoughts, I looked up to see a guy with orange spiky hair, lightly tinted sun glasses and a suit.

"Hey, I'm loke, dragneel assigned me to watch over you."he folded his arms.

"Hi."I said shyly"are you a-"he cut me off.

"Yes I am a vampire, but don't worry I won't drink from you."he said with assurance, I lipped the words okay a few times before lying down on the bed.

"Well might I say, dragneel never told me he had such a sexy woman, I'm kind of sad, I hadn't got to you first."he smirked, I felt my cheeks go red with embarrassment.

"Yeah okay."I said softly, trying to avoid another conversation.

"Look, I wasn't trying to annoy y-"I cut him off.

"Yeah I know it's alright, must just be your playboy instinct."I chuckled pointing at my head.

"Hey, what makes you think I'm a playboy?"he snickered.

"You know, I can tell just by the way you act. How many girlfriends have you had, 26, 30?"I laughed, he pouted.

"32, but that doesn't mean I'm a playboy."he pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah think what you want."I snickered as I closed my eyes.

The door immediately opened, a smiling Natsu, with some Chinese food in his hand.

"I got the food, loke you can leave now."loke gave Natsu a quick nod before leaving the room, Natsu took a seat on the bed, as I sat up, his beautiful, onyx eyes in sight reflecting the light of the room....

I literally slapped myself "NO LUCY STOP IT."I yelled aloud, Natsu looked at me with confused eyes.

"Lucy, you okay."he asked putting his hand on my shoulder, sending electricity through my body, like fire.

"Yeah I'm fine."I said waving my hands I front of me, my face Crimson. I don't understand what he is doing to me. Is it love? NO WAY! and even if it was, he wouldn't like me back.

Natsu handed me a box of noodles and chopsticks we then started to partake of the food.

My cheeks were still red with embarrassment from earlier and 1 question still stands in my head:

Do I love Natsu?

Sting POV

"It's her."I stated

"How do you know?"One of my Ali's asked.

"I tasted her blood, I know it's her."I huffed. "But there is only one problem."


"She is bonded with dragneel."I put my face in my hands in confusion.

"Wow that really is bad."lissana muttered.

"If you didn't get here earlier when I told you to, this woudnt ' have happened."I growled

"I told you Natsu wouldn't let me and you know how that goes."she chuckled.

"This isn't funny and since you failed you have to find the cure, I want her all to myself, that bastard dragneel won't keep her."I groaned.

"What! that could take months."lissana exclaimed.

"Well you better run along then, and hurry it up would you."

She huffed stamping out of our hideout like a 7 year old.

"Brother don't you think that's a little too harsh?"my brother rogue asked.

"Nothing to harsh, I have to get her, vampires have looked for her kind for centuries, and she's a hot one I'm not just gonna let it slip!"I yelled

"Okay brother, I understand."he gave me a slight nod before walking into the shadows.

"Lucy hearthilia I am gonna get you, of its the last thing I do."my fists clenched.


Tell me if you want werewolves in the story.

Okay guys that the end of this chapter, yea I know I put a lot of mystery and secrets so I guess you gonna have to keep reading to find out, so I wanna right more nalu books tell me if I should.  If you liked this chapter please vote comment and follow for more oh and for all you Disney lovers check out my other account


And I hope you will like the stories I have made.

See ya 😜

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