Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(Expelliarmus)(Ch.14)

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*Jamie’s POV*

You weren't sure who it was you grabbed you just stopped them.

 "Let go of me!" the person said. "It's okay it's me. Charlie." you took a wild guess to who it was.

"Jamie?" to your surprise it was Charlie.

"Yeah. come on we have to follow Ron." You had a feeling Charlie thought you were up to something, but she followed you anyway.

"Jamie, where are we going?" Charlie asked you nervously.

"You'll see but we have to hurry and don't worry there's nothing that you can trip on." you assured her. You were leading her up the stairs of the shrieking shack.

"Are we in the shrieking shack Jamie?" Charlie asked.

"You guessed it." you said. You heard a movement from up the right away from behind you.

"Hurry." you rush into the bedroom where Ron sat.

"Jamie, Charlie he's an animagus. He's the dog." Ron cried. You ignored him and ran up to him.

"Are you ok?" you asked Ron, but Ron didn't have time to answer.

"He'll be fine." You spun around to your dad who had answered.

"Charlie, Jamie get out of here." Ron cried.

"It's ok Ron. I'm with him." you said.

"You’re what?" Charlie asked shocked and angry suddenly there where footsteps coming up the stairs. "Quick! Jamie, Charlie hide." Black whispered. You quickly pulled Charlie behind some crates, while Black hid behind the door. You noticed your foot wasn't hidden and you pulled back just as Harry and Hermione came bursting into the room.

"Harry, Hermione look out. He's the dog, he's an animagus." Ron yelled pointing to the door. Sirius came out from behind the door and closed it. Sirius' back was in front of you so couldn't see his expression.

"If you want to kill Harry you’re going to have to kill us too." Hermione said, defensively stepping in front of Harry.

"No! Only one will die tonight." Sirius said.

"And it'll be you." Harry yelled pushing Hermione aside and jumping on Sirius making them toppled over. Harry had his wand to Sirius' head.

"Are you really going to kill me Harry?" Sirius laugh, he was looking very skeletal like all of a sudden.

"No! Harry!" you cried jumping at Harry, bowling him over and rolling over and over, you landed inches from the fireplace. Harry was on top of you and had his wand pointing at you. You put your hand up to shield yourself. "Harry no!" you cried.

"Expelliarmus." Harry wand flew from his hand. You turned to see Professor Lupin standing in the door. Harry looked up as well. Lupin helped Sirius up, but you were still lying flat on the floor with Harry kneeling over top of you with a look of surprise on his face.

During this time this time Charlie had come out as well. Sirius started mumbling something to Remus. Charlie came over to you and Harry and push a frozen from shock Harry off of you.

"Geez, Harry. Get off her." Charlie snapped.

 "Oh sorry!" Harry got off of you Charlie helped you up and brushed the dust off of you.

Hermione must have been listening to Sirius and Lupin's conversation because out of nowhere she shouted, "NO! I trusted you. He's a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes and i bet'cha Charlie is too." Charlie gave a huge gasp and looked at you.

 "How long have you known?" Lupin asked.

"Since professor Snape set the essay." Hermione answered.

"Wow! Well you really are the brightest witch of your age, Hermione." Lupin praised, but it didn't look like she took it that way. As soon a Charlie finished brushing you off, you went running to Sirius and hugged him like you were a scared 5 year-old, you had tears running down your cheeks. You had no idea why you were crying, but you guess it was just the shock of having one of your best friends pointing a wand at you.

You loosened your grip, so he pushed you aside gently. "Enough talk, Remus! Come on let's kill him!" Sirius croaked.

"Wait!" Shouted Remus.

"I did my waiting. Twelve years of it in Azkaban!" Sirius yelled which made you jump. Remus was looking from Sirius to you to Charlie to Harry, Hermione and Ron then back. He gave a sigh, then handed Sirius his wand.

"Very well, but wait one more minute. Harry has the right to know why."

 "I know why." Harry said shaking. "You betrayed my parents. You're the reason they're dead."

 "No, it wasn't him." To your surprise Charlie spoke up.

"Somebody did betray your parents, somebody who, until recently, we believe to be dead Harry." you said, you had gotten over you shock.

Harry looked at you. "Who was it then?" he demanded.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius said. "And he's here in this room! Right now." Hermione, Ron and Harry shook there head in disbelief, to your surprise Charlie wasn't. "Come out, come out Peter. Come out come out and play."

The out of thin air someone shouted "Expelliarmus."

"Snape!" you whispered under your breath. Everyone looked shocked now.

"Vengeance is sweet." Snape sneered, his wand raised. "How i hoped I’d be the one to catch you." "Severus." Lupin begged.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle. Here's the proof." Snape sneered.

"Brilliant Snape. You put your keen mind the task and once again come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and i have some unfinished buisness to attend to." said Sirius advancing on Snape pointed his wand a Sirius' throat, you gasped.

"Give me a reason i beg you."

"Severus don't be a fool, killing someone's father and godfather in front of-. Sirius be quiet." Lupin warned.

"Oh. Bequiet yourself  Remus.” Snapped Sirius.

 "Look at you two gibbering like an old married couple." Snape said.

"Why don't you along and play with you chemistry set." Sirius mocked, all except Snape smirked, Snape only pressed his wand harder into Sirius throat, you gasped again.

"I could do it you know." Snape threatened, "But why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you." You couldn't take it anymore, you jumped at Snape, knocking his wand out of his hand and the same Harry cast Expelliarmus and Snape flew into the bed making dust fly everywhere...

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now