Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(Yule Ball Part 2)(Ch.34)

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It was already two hours into the dance and I still hadn’t seen Hermione, but then I again I hadn’t been looking for her. So at ten I told Seamus I was going to find her, he was okay with that because he had to use the loo.

I found Hermione at the drinks table with Krum talking to his friends, she didn’t look too happy. Her face lit up when she saw me, “Oh my gosh, Hermione, you look stunning!” I exclaimed. Her dress was, pink at the top turning to purple at the bottom, with lots and lots of frills, if you could call them that, it was perfect for her.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes yourself.” She replied with a smile but it didn’t last long.

“Hey why is that smile upside down?” I asked.

“Ronald is being rather rude and Harry isn’t helping.” She complained.

“Why doesn’t that surprise me at all?” I inquired as Krum said goodbye to his friend and returned his attention to Hermione.

“Victor this is one my best friends, Jamie Warren. Jamie this is Victor Krum.” Hermione said introducing us.

“We’ve met-,” I began before Krum spoke.

“But it’s good to have a proper introduction.” He said in a heavy Bulgarian accent.

“Would you like to join us Jamie?” Hermione offered.

“I’d love to, let me just go find Seamus and see if he wants to come too.” I told them. Instead of immediately going to find Seamus though I went over to were Harry and Ron were sulking. “You’re such morons. You could at least appreciate Hermione’s good taste in men; I mean should could be going with you Ron.” I teased.

“That’s coming from the person who can’t decide on which boy she likes.” Ron retorted.

I smacked him across the face, “Next time you see me don’t talk to me, either of you.” I said angrily and stomped off to find Seamus in the great hall.

“Hey Jamie what’s wrong? You look like you’re about to cry.” Seamus asked holding my face in his hands.

“It’s just Ronald; he’s being a jerk again.” I replied pulling his hands off my face.

“Please don’t be mad with me.” He said pleadingly.

“I’m not mad with you.” I told him looking him in the eyes.

“Okay.” He sighed and went to kiss me on my forehead but before his lips met my skin he was pushed away from me.

I looked around wildly, I saw Alex had bowled Seamus over and now had him pinned to the ground. “Alex what are you doing?” I screeched trying to push him of Seamus but he was a lot bigger then me. “Somebody help.” I cried.

A few students, along with a few staff members came into the great hall. The staff members rushed to my aid. Once the teachers arrived Alex was pulled off of Seamus and McGonagall order us to her office.

“Please be seated.” She told us, I took a seat between the two boys, Seamus on my left Alex on my right as we face McGonagall. “Now I tell me what is the meaning of all this? Not only did you ruin Miss Warren’s  night, but other students and staffs night to.”

“He stole Jamie from me, she’s my girl.” Alex exclaimed outraged.

I stood up and turned to Alex my expression full of rage, “I’m not yours, I haven’t been your girl since you lied to me in the summer and as far as I’m concerned I will never be your girl.”

“Miss Warren please, sit down.” Professor McGonagall directed, I glared at Alex one more time, then averted my attention away from his hideous face, at least that’s what I thought of it as at this moment.

I looked over at Seamus he was staring straight ahead not focused on anything.

“Mr. Finnigan in what Mr. Avery said the truth?” McGonagall enquired, Seamus shook his head.

“No, he lied to Jamie during the summer. She’s not with him anymore I’m dating her.” He informed the Professor, I nodded in agreement with Seamus.

“So all this is, is a stupid misunderstanding of relationship status? Well this can only be solved between the three of you. But to make sure the fighting doesn’t happen again, ten points from Gryffindor Mr. Finnigan for your foolish behaviour, you may be excused.” She motioned with her hand towards the door. Seamus got up and left not having to be told twice.

“Now Mr. Avery since I am not one of your teachers I will be talking to Karkakroff and let him decide what is to be done with you.  You may also be excused.” Alex got up and left in the same fashion as Seamus.

“And now Miss Warren, I’m glad to see you back. I advise you not to dwell on tonight’s event to much, boys will be boys.” She said trying to cheer me up.

“Excuse my rudeness Professor but I really don’t need your advice on boys.” I snapped my chair screeched on the floor as I stood up and rushed from the room.

“Jamie, can I talk to you.” It was Alex he was standing right outside the Transfiguration classroom. No one else was in sight.

“Why couldn’t have just let me go? Like so many other people have let the people they love go. Alex we were going to be friends why couldn’t that be enough?” I said a few tears escaping my eyes. He opened and closed his mouth a few times like he was about to say something but nothing came out, I shook my head in disbelief.

“That’s what I though. If anyone asks where I am, I going to bed.” I told him and walked away.

I didn’t go to bed; I just didn’t want anyone disturbing me. I took off my stilettos and wandered the castle in my bare feet because they were giving me blisters. I went around gazing at the painting like I did sometime when I was upset. I was sitting on the moving stair case on the fifth floor when I heard someone rushing up the stair and calling my name.

“Jamie, Jamie,” It was Hannah from first year.

“Hannah what’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

“We’ve been looking everywhere for you, it’s Hermione she wants you.” Hannah cried trying to catch her breath. Hannah took me to where Hermione was crying on the stair case of the great hall.

We didn’t great each other, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and set my head against her head and she held onto my arm that went across her chest for comfort. After a few minutes we stood up and I took her to the Gryffindor tower.

“What’s happened here?” The Fat Lady asked.

“Boys happened.” I replied irritably, “Now can you let us in.”

“Password.” said The Fat Lady. Hermione gave the password and we entered into the Gryffindor common room. I helped Hermione up to her dorm and into her bed, I didn’t leave until she was fast asleep.

“Merry Christmas, Hermione.” I whispered patting her arm. I back out of the room as other Gryffindors arrived. Before I left I retrieve all my gifts I had for people using a summoning charm and sent all the gifts to their proper rooms.

When I got back to the Ravenclaw dorm room I sat close to the fire and gazed into the flames deep in thought. At midnight the last few stragglers came in looking like they were walking in their sleep. Most of them were seventh years, a few fifth years and a first year. They all welcomed me back and wished me a Merry Christmas before heading up to bed.

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now