Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(The moon was rising)(Ch.15)

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"What did you just do?" Ron asked wide eyed.

 "You attacked a teacher." cried Hermione.

"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew." Harry demanded.

"He was at school with us we thought he was our friend." Lupin explained.

"No, Pettigrew's dead. You killed him." Harry said pointing to Sirius.

"No, he didn't." you said.

"We thought so too, until you mention seeing Pettigrew on the map!" Said Lupin talking about you, Charlie and himself.

"The map was lying then." Harry insisted.

"A map never lies." Sirius corrected. "Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there.” Sirius said pointing at Ron. "Me? He's mental." Ron cried.

"No not you. Your rat!" said Sirius. "

Scabbers has been in my family for-"

Ron's sentence was cut off by Sirius, "Twelve years? Curiously long life for a common garden rat! He's missing a toe isn't he?" Sirius questioned.

"So what?" Ron moaned, the pain from his leg was showing now his face was ghostly white.

 "All they could find of Pettigrew was his-"you started but once again Sirius finished your sentence.

"Finger! Dirty coward cut it off, so everyone would think he was dead!" Sirius explained. "And then he transformed into a rat."

"Show me!" Harry insisted. Sirius reached for Scabbers and ripped him out of Ron's grasp.

"Scabbers. Give him back!" Ron shouted. Sirius placed Scabbers on the grand piano, as soon a Sirius set him down Scabbers was scurrying away. Sirius aimed a few spells at Scabbers but they all missed so you toke aim and hit scabbers just as he was scurrying through a hole in the wall. Now he was stuck between this room and the next. Sirius and Remus pulled him out and sort of threw him to the piano.

"Remus? Sirius." Pettigrew stuttered. "My old friends!" then he ran in attempt to escape, but Sirius and Lupin where blocking the way, so Pettigrew glanced around the room and spotted Harry. "Harry! Look at you. You look so much like you father. Like James. We were the best of friends."

“How dare you speak to Harry!" Sirius interrupted, "How dare you talk about James in front of him."

 "You sold James and Lily to Voldemort." Lupin accused.

"I didn't mean to!" Pettigrew whined. "The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapons he possesses! Asked yourself Sirius! What would you have done?"

"I would have died. I would have died, rather than betray me friends." cried Sirius, as Peter attempted another escape for the door, but Harry steeped in the way.

Peter lunged at him and whispered into his ear. "Harry! James wouldn't have wanted me killed. Your dad would have spared me! He would have shown me mercy!" Sirius and Lupin pulled him off of Harry.

"You should have realized Peter if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would. Together!" Lupin said. Both Lupin and Sirius had their wands raised at Peter.

"No!" you and Harry shouted at the same time.

"Harry, Jamison this man-" Lupin began.

"I know what he is. But we'll take hime to the castle." Harry said.

"Bless you boy! Bless you." said Peter bowing to Harry.

"Get off him!" shouted Charlie, you'd almost forgotten she was here.

"He said we'd take you to the castle. After that the dementors can have you." you said. Pettigrew shriveled up in fear.

You all headed out the door and down the passage way, you went in groups. Sirius, Ron and Harry had already left. You, Charlie and Hemione where next and Lupin and Pettigrew last. They had decided to leave Snape there. A few minutes later you were emerging from under the womping willow. Ron was sitting on one of the roots and Sirius was wandering around.

"You okay Ron?" you asked kneeling beside him.

 "You two better go!" Ron said looking a Sirius.

"No. Don't worry. Okay? It's fine. We'll stay." Said Harry.

"You go. We'll stay." Said Hermione. Harry help you up and you both walked over to where Sirius. You glanced over your should just as Remus and Peter emerged. You approached Sirius and held his hand. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Sirius commented gazing up at the castle. Neither you or Harry answered.

"I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors." Sirius continued. You smiled.

"The first time I walked through the doors I thought Harry was a dork." you laughed, so did Harry and your dad, wow that seams weird calling someone dad, you thought.

 "That was a noble thing you two did back there. He doesn't deserve it." You dad said sourly.

"I didn't think my dad would have wanted his best friends to become killers." Harry answered for the both of you.

"Besides, dead the truth dies with him, alive your free." you said hugging your dad and he held on tight.

"I don't know if you know, Harry but when you were born James and Lily made me you godfather." Sirius said.

 "I know." Harry admitted.

"You mean, you knew and never told me." you said happily. The both nodded.

"I can understand if you chose to stay with you aunt and uncle, but if you ever wanted a different home. Jamie has already decided to stay with the Weasley’s, but come and visit me over the summer." Sirius said.

 "What? Can I live with you?" Harry asked.

"It's was just a thought. I can understand if you don't want to." Sirius sighed.

"Harry!" Hermione called, pointing at a distant mountain. At first you didn't realize what the worry in her voice was, then you saw the moon rising up over the mountain. Charlie, Professor Lupin, you thought. Sirius ran up to support Lupin in his transformation. Your where petrified by Lupin's transformation you didn't realize anything around you. Sirius was still struggling with Lupin. Lupin was suddenly in full transformation. Sirius was nowhere in sight and Snape was in front of Ron, Harry and Hermione protecting them from the werewolf. Snape was knocked out of the way. You changed into your animagus form and tried to get the werewolf's attention, that wasn't too hard, you ran like you've never ran so fast before. You took one glance back and there he was right on top of you. You now realized the size difference; he was at least 10 times the size of you. The next thing you knew he had his teeth clamped down on your side. It hurt like hell, you screamed in pain and everything went black. 

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now