Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(Living A Lie)(Ch.25)

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August 5th

The sun was just rising when you lifted yourself out of bed. You quickly got dressed and left your room. You leaned over the banister to see if you could hear any movement down stairs. Nothing.  You check Alex‘s room, where you found he sound asleep and snoring awfully loud. You smirk to yourself and quietly shut the door as you back out.

You went quietly down the stairs and grabbed a banana before heading out to the barn. On your way out you remembered Alex mentioned something about puppies, so you decided to go look for them. You found the playing around behind the barn Katija watching them closely in the shade of a nearby tree. When she heard you approach she glanced over at you and her tail started to wag slightly. You sat down beside her giving her a pat on the head. Seeing you the puppies came sauntering over giving you lots of kisses. Katija gave a small bark, making you jump. You turned to see what she had barked at, the rest of the dogs where making their way over to you, with Alex among them.

“I see you found them.” Alex commented you nodded.

 “And I have to convince you to let me keep one.”

“No way.” Alex said quickly.

 “Please.” You begged.

“Did my uncle put you up to this?” Alex asked narrowing his eyes.

 “No.” You said innocently.

“Sure.” he said unconvinced.

On the 7th you had finally convinced Alex to let you bring home a puppy. You quickly decided on keeping Tucker and had finally decided to let everyone at home know you and Alex where together.  Ron wasn’t too happy about it, but no one else seemed bothered about it.

August 10th last day at the farm

You had just gotten back from taking a morning ride with Alex and the horses and were now unsaddling your horses. You where once again have trouble with the saddle so Alex came over to help. You held Starlight steady as he unbuckled her. 

“Are you going to brush her down?” Alex Asked.

“I was planning to.” You replied.

“Okay baby. Then I am going to go make some breakfast. Does pancakes sound good to you?” you nodded grabbing Starlight’s brush from the shelf outside her stall.  After you finished brushing her you went inside to help Alex.

To your surprise he had finished the pancakes and was now putting one the toppings (strawberries and whipped cream). “Mmm... it looks delicious.” You commented.

“Thanks.”  You finished your breakfast then headed back outside. Alex took Tornado out to practice some jumping, while you watched the puppies came strolling over. You bent down to pick up Tucker and noticed a vehicle pulling up the Drive way.

“Alex!” You called pointing to the vehicle. Alex slowed Tornado down, and then jumped off.

“Come on let’s check it out.” He said taking your hand. You approached the van. Whoever was inside it was rolling down the window.

“Matt!” You cried as a smiling face came into view. “What are you doing here?” you asked.

“Alex called us to let us know you two where here, so we thought we’d come here a few days early.” Matt answered as everyone else jumped out then climbed out himself.

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now