Jamie Warren (A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(Hogsmead)(Chp.10)

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*1 week later*

Luckly you had finished all your homework the night before and could go to hogsmead today. You were with Hermione and Ron; sadly Harry didn't get his permission slip sighed and couldn't attend the trip. But you knew secretly he was following by his invisibility cloak and sadly Dumbledore had ordered that you had someone with you when you went to Hogsmead after what happened with the fat lady so you were stuck with Cho and her friends out in the snow.

 20 minutes later you were in Hogsmead and you were stuck looking at all the expensive things you didn't care for through windows. "Hey Jamie we're heading down to the shrieking shack. You coming?" hollered Ron. You nodded a silent yes.

"Her girls I’m going down to the shrieking shack with Ron and Hermione see you later."

You said but the girls where occupied with the stuff in the windows. So you ran off with Hermione and Ron. You arrived at the top of the hill and looked down on the shrieking shack.

"It's supposed to be the most haunted place in Britan. Did you know that?" she asked you guys.

 "Not a clue." confessed Ron.

"Come on." you said pulling Hermione by the wrist.

"Jamie stop you’re going to make me fall." cried Hemione.

"Exactly." you shouted over your shoulder as you let go.  Somewhere between the top of the hill and the bottom you slipped on a piece of ice and instead of running down you rolled down. You stopped rolling but you couldn't stop laughing. Ron started running as soon as you slipped.

"Jamie! Jamie are you okay?" he asked alarmed.

"Fine." you said over your laughter. Ron and Hermione helped you up then you moved closer to the fence.

"It's beautiful with the snow on top!" you remarked.

"Do you want to move a bit closer?" asked Hermione.

"What?" Ron asked in confusion.

"To the Shrieking Shack." replied Hermione.

"No!" you said quickly.

 "Ok?" Said Hermione. "It's supposed to be the most haunted place in Britain did i mention that?" Hermione said again.

"Ya, twice now." said Ron.

"Jamie! Hermione! Ron! I've been looking all over for you. So is Cho and Her friends." It was Charlie. You ran up and gave her a happy hug, she hugged back.

"It's so nice to have a good of friends as you." you said.

"Aww, Jamie." said Charlie.

"You know I wouldn't be able to make through these three years without you." you said feeling happy. "What wrong?" Asked Ron.

"Well Harry was supposed to meet me in Hogsmead but he never showed up. I'm scared for him." You confessed.

"He'll be okay." Said Charlie. You nodded just as you heard some on approach the top of the hill. You looked up hopefully. But it turned to disappointment went you saw Malfoy, Crabbe and one of Malfoy's other friends.

"Well if it isn't Weaselbee, the Mudblood, Lupin," he said there names with pure disgust, "and Jamie. I don't think you should be hanging around with these traitor and mudbloods." he had surprisingly said you name nicely, the others word harshly.

"Oh! You three shopping for your new home!" he said again harshly.

 "Shut up, Malfoy!" scowled Ron.

"Oh not so friendly. Well guys i think it time to teach Weaselbee to respect his superiors." said Malfoy with nods of agreements from the other two.

"Oh! Hope you don't mean yourself." Hermione smirked.

"How dare you talk to me you filthy little mudblood." he sneered.

"Excuse me Jamie. I'll have Crabbe here escort you back to the school, while we take care of the rest of them." He said in a polite manner.

"Don't touch me!" you cried as Malfoy pulled you towards Crabbe.

"Now, not so hard. You might hurt crabbe." he said.

"Exactly!" you smirked, Malfoy's face soured. He pulled you in front of went to slap you and you flinched, but before he could move an inch, a snowball hit him square on the head and he dropped you. You crawled back out of Malfoy's grasp. Charlie and Hermione helped you up.

"Who's there?" hollered Malfoy. Just before another snowball came flying out of nowhere. You weren't frightened you knew exactly who it was. You whispered to everyone that it was Harry. By now Crabbe's pant where down to his ankles and Malfoy was being dragged by his feet through the snow and the other boys hat was over his eyes.

"What's wrong Malfoy lost your skis?" shouted Ron as Malfoy turned to run away. All three where gone before you could say "Hogwarts". Harry was now tugging a Hermione's hair and Ron's Hat.

"Harry!" Hermione complained and Harry pulled off his invisibility cloak. You were all laughing now.

"Are you okay, Jamie?" Harry asked, you nodded. You all walked back to Hogsmead together recalling everything that just happened.

"So why where you late?" you asked Harry. Harry pulled out a map and explained it.

"I’ve got to go. Jamie want to come?" Charlie asked you. You could tell she had to tell you something. "Sure. See you later, you guys." you said then they said their goodbyes. Charlie pulled you down an alleyway.

 "What wrong Charlie?" You asked her worried.

 "That map is my dad's. They all had there on maps the marauders and I need to tell you something else I’ve never told anyone. Only my relatives and some of the teachers know this but i think you need to know..." She hesitated...

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now