Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(Lumos)(Ch.11)

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"What do I need to know?" you urged Charlie.

"I'm a..." she hesitated again.

"Your a what, Charlie?" you couldn't stop urging her not now.

"I'm a half- werewolf." your eyes widened in surprise. "You can't tell anyone. My dad said i could only tell you." You nodded knowing you would never tell a friends secret.

 "I can't believe it though!" you said still in shock.

"I got to go!" she said sounding in a hurry.

You went back to where you left Hermione, Harry and Ron. You arrived just in time to see them head back toward the Shrieking shack and decided to follow. Hermione was just pulling the invisibility cloak off of Harry, you hid behind a boulder as Ron approached Harry and Hermione.

"Harry? Harry what happened?" You could just hear Hermione say.

"Sirius. He was the friend and he betrayed them." Harry said loudly. "HE WAS THERE FRIEND." he shouted. "I hope he find me because when he does I'm gonna kill him! When he finds me I'm gonna kill him." Harry said firmly. You ran, you were scared if Harry found him and killed him, you best friend would be murdering the innocent.

You ran till you reached Dumbledore’s office and swore after realizing you didn't know the password. Luck was on your side. You heard footsteps behind you and turned to see Dumbledore approached you. "Is there something wrong Miss Warren?" he asked.

"Harry found out about Sirius being his good father and pretty much the rest of it. He says he's going to kill Sirius you must talk to him, you got to stop him." you cried.

"I will talk to him, Miss Warren, but I’m afraid there might not but much I can tell without mentioning you and your father." Dumbledore said.

"Okay. Never mind then. But can you remind him to watch out?" you asked him and He nodded.

*2 months later*

You were sitting with Charlie, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, the twins, Dean and where playing wizards chess with Seamus and you were winning, "Checkmate!" you shouted and making everyone jump. "Jamie!" moaned Ginny

"What? I won." you said cheerfully.

"Good game." Seamus congratulated and reaching his hand out.

"Yeah good job!" you said shaking his hand. "I'll play you now Harry." you said.

"Umm." he hesitated.

"Sorry, we have a private lesson with my dad." Said Charlie. You looked at Charlie then back to Harry. "Can i come?" you asked. They both nodded and started walking away. "See you later everybody." you waved good bye and followed Charlie and Harry.

The walk silently to Professor Lupin’s Office except for you. "So? What's the lesson about? Are you failing Harry because that would be really sad if you are?" They didn't answer any of your questions. "Fine!i won't talk at all." you said stubbornly.

"Thank goodness." Cried Harry playfully. You gave him a small playful push him over and gave him a smirk. Charlie was about to burst out laughing, so were you. You couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing. You were laughing so hard you didn't realize you had made it to Professor Lupin class.

"Oh! Guy we're here." you said and you all stopped laughing at once and entered the classroom.

"Dad you here?" Charlie called.

"Up in my office." you heard someone called back. as you three approached the stairs leading up to the office Professor Lupin stepped out.

"Oh! Hi Jamie, how very nice to see you again." Lupin said politely.

"You as well." you said. 

"It's just over there." Lupin said pointing to the right corner.

"What is?" you asked curiously.

"A bogart. I'm going to teach harry the patronus." Lupin said.

You watched as Lupin explained to harry how the patronus work and the spell. "Now, you need to think of your most happy memory and you need to say Expectopatronum." Harry was defeated once, but then surprised Charlie, Lupin and yourself and succeeded in defeating the Bogart;Dementor.

"Can i try?" you asked hopefully.

"I think we've had enough today." said Lupin. You nodded in disappointment. It was late by the time you left so you all headed back to your dormitories. You hugged Charlie and Harry goodnight and went in separate directions. You went straight to bed you where exhausted after today. As soon as you head hit the pillow you were out.


You were in a prison cell, the walls where damp and the crack where filled with cobwebs. You tried moving but couldn't you looked down at you hand they were chained to the wall, on the opposite wall was your dad also chained. There was an explosion.

*Dream over*

You sat bolt right up in your bed. You where sweating like crazy. You look at your Lumos clock 1:30.

"It was just a dream." you said under your breath. You knew you wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep so you slipped out of bed and changed to you animagus form(Otter) and scrambled out of the common room. You were walking past McGonagall's office when a wand lit up.

"Jamie! Jamison! I know your there. I have the map." you heard Harry's voice whisper

"Where are you?" If you had been in your human form he'd have seen you right away. When he had turned his back to you changed to you Human form.

"Right hear." you whispered into his ear making him jump.

"What are you doing?" he asked angrily.

"I could ask you the same thing." you snapped. He showed you the marauders map and pointed at someone walking up to you some on you belied to be dead. "Peter Pettigrew" you whispered under your breath. You looked at harry then back at the map. He was right beside you now. You and Harry both looked up and jumped as you saw your reflections in the mirror exactly where Peter Pettigrew was supposed to be.

You looked back at the map Peter was already around the corner and snape had just passed him. "Quick your wand Harry!" he flicked his wand and his light went out and you both plunged into total darkness, only to be almost blinded as Snape lit his wand. You looked at harry and say him slipped the map into his jackets pocket.

"POTTER, WARREN." Snape said in pure disgust. "Turn out you pockets Potter. Turn out your pockets." He repeated. Harry pulled out the map.

"What's this?" Snape asked.

"A piece of spare parchment, Sir." harry said in a smart ass sort of way. You gave him a warning nudge. "Give me that." said Snape ripping the map out of Harry's hands. "Reveal you secrets." Snape said. "Read it Warren." he said shoving it into your hands. "Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prong would like to give there compliments to Professor Snape and would like it if he kept his abnormally large nose out of other peoples buisness." you said smirking.

"Why you ignorant little-" he was interrupted by Professor Lupin. "Professor Snape." Lupin called.

"Lupin. These kids are out of bed after hour." Lupin luckily sorted the problem with Snape and sent you back to your room, but took Harry with him. 

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now