Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(The Letter)(Ch.40)

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I landed on a wood floor covered in a thick layer of dust, just like the rest of the room. I stood up and saw a perfect imprint in the dust where I had landed. The room was dark with just the moonlight streaming in through the dirty window for light and a musty odour. It was obvious that no one had been her for a long time. A big four poster bed was to the left of the window and an armoire on the other side and of course a matching dressing table next to the door which was mad of oak and had a brass handle.

“Hello,” I whispered. No answer. “Hello,” I said a little louder, I pulled out my wand, “Lumos.” The room lit up with a brilliant light.

The room was obviously empty but out of curiosity I began to explore the room. I approached the dressing table covered in dust and long vacant spider webs just like the rest of the room was a round picture frame, I lifted it from its place and wiped the dust off. Staring back as me from the photo was a handsome man in his mid twenties, with dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin; something about the man seemed vaguely familiar. I shivered and set the picture face down on the table, that’s when I noticed the letter with my name on it. Curious, I pick it up gently. Something from within the letter slipped out and felling to the floor with a thud making me jump back in surprise.

I kneeled down and picked up the object. It was an oval stone about the size of my thumb, why would this be with the letter? I flipped open the folding piece of parchment paper a note was written to me in neat writing not unlike my own writing.

Dear Jamie,

            I’m sorry I could not be here tonight to meet you, something came up. I know if you were as excited to meet me as I was to meet you, you be just as disappointed as I am if not more. Someday we will meet, when the circumstances are right, I promise.

                                                                        Love, your mother

I threw the letter down in frustration making dust fly everywhere. I can’t believe I was this close, I’d come this far, gotten people mad at me and all for what? Nothing, that’s what!

I spun around in shock when a flash of orange light came through the window. I ran over kicking up dust as I did. I had to wipe away the dirt and grime to see out but what I saw sent me reeling back. The house I was in was in the middle of a cemetery, and there we people out there. I crept back cautiously and peered out, there were two men a tall one in black cloaks and another shorter one...wait a minute that’s...Pettigrew. My heart started racing at a hundred miles an hour. I took one more glance down and I saw Harry pinned by a statue over a grave.

I’d seen enough, I flicked off my wand, put the small blue stone in my pocket and took off out the door and down three flights of stairs till I found the door to outside. I opened the door slowly and peered out, I’m glad I had stopped myself before tearing out of the house otherwise I would have ended up  running into a circle of Death Eaters that we surround where Harry was caught.

I slipped back silently inside to ponder on what to do next. To start off I took several deep breaths to calm myself down and slow down my heart beat. This was not the time to panic I told myself, Harry needed help and I figured I was the only one at the moment who was aware of the danger he was in.

I stepped back outside as quietly as possible; I was on full alert for any sign that I’d been spotted. I made my way around the circle of Death Eaters trying to find a gap where I could get to Harry without getting caught. As I was doing this I could hear someone talking to Harry in a very rude manor by the sounds of it, but I couldn’t pin point who it was. Suddenly I heard a sliding sound coming from the ground and I realized then that I was focusing too much on things at eye level and not on where I was stepping. I looked down just in time to miss stepping on a giant snake.

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now