Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)(Lost and Found)(Chp.7)

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You where walking back to your dorm when someone cuffed your mouth and pulled your into and empty classroom. Whoever it was spun you around and gave you a little shake. "Do you know a Jamison Warren?" said a man's voice, you nodded. "Go get her." he said in a demanding voice, you where so scared tears came to your eyes. He crouched into a beam of moonlight and you saw who it was. It was him Sirius Black.

"Sorry miss, I didn't mean to scare you. I just need to see my baby again. Will you please go get her?" you backed up a little.

"I don't need to." you whispered "she's right in front of you." you said over your tears.

"Jamie?" he said awestruck, you nodded silently. "Will you come with me somewhere we can talk privately?" You shook your head. "Please Jamie, please come with me I won't hurt you." he reach his hand out and you took it.

He pulled you through a portrait and into a dark tunnel. You had been walking for a few minutes when you came out of a hole, you recognised the place at the very moment.

The shrieking shack!" you said, Sirius gave a small nod.

*Ginny's POV*

"The fat lady she's gone." you said to Fred and George as they came along.

"Up there!” Pointed Fred.

You ran to check out the other painting, "What wrong, who's done this to you?" you asked the fat lady.

"It was him. Sirius Black in the castle he took her!" shrieked the fat lady.

 "Who?" asked Fred, but there wasn't time to answer before all the Gryffindors came rushing from the hall.

"Quick go back down before Per-cy comes." whispered George just as Percy arrived.

"What happened here." he snapped.

"The fat lady she's gone and we can't find her." you said a worried and convincing voice, then stumbled back into the group. You nudged Fred and George and mouthed we have to check on Jamie, they nodded in silent agreement. You shoved your way through the group until you came to Harry, Hermione, Charlie, Ron, Dean, Seamus and Neville.

"The Fat lady she's gone!" you said worriedly again and rushed off with Fred and George at you heels. You ran until you ran into one of Jamie's fellow Ravenclaws,

 “Have you seen Jamie since she left the great hall?” The girl shook her head “Can you check her dorm it's urgent.” The girl nodded then ran to check Jamie's dorm she returned a few minutes later informing that Jamie wasn’t there and looking worried and the girl left.

"We have to tell professor Dumbledore." Said Fred, you and George nodded in agreement then headed back the way you came.

"Professor Dumbledore, he got Jamison! He got her!" you cried.

He didn't look shock, "I have already been informed, MissWeasly you must know that the ministry will do nothing knowing it was his daughter, now go down to the great hall where you house will be sleeping tonight."

You nodded then headed down to the great hall. You settled down beside Hermione and found sleep hard to come upon, but it finally came. You woke the next morning with the whole plan sorted out, you explained it to Fred, George and Ron first, and then they suggested getting as many people involved as possible.

Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Unraveling secrets)Where stories live. Discover now