Jamie Warren(A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (Third Task) (Ch.39)

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“Jamie,” I heard my name being whispered from a side corridor by a familiar voice.

“I’ll meet you in the great hall Seamus, I have to use the lavatories .” I told him as I broke my stride from beside him; I had told him about my plans to find my mother but had frowned upon it as well when I told him what she might be involved with, so I had refrained from talking about it with everyone except Sam and Alex who were still helping me.

“Okay,” He replied and continued on his way to the great hall; I waited for him to turn the next corner before turning around and retracing my steps to the corridor where Alex was waiting with Sam.

“What’s the news?” I asked as I approached both of them leaning against the wall casually as students passed them. They turned to walk against the crowd who where all heading to lunch in the great half and I pushed in between them so I had one of them on either side of me.

“It’s going to happen tomorrow night.” Sam informed me.

“But the third task is tomorrow,” I informed them.

“So what?” Alex shrugged, I looked at him then back at Sam who began explaining.

“The third task is a maze, we all know that and maze’s take time to get through, it’s not going to be a quick walk in the park, it may take them hours to get through. So while their wandering in the maze we’re going to bring you to meet your mother.” Sam explained then added, “My dad’s working on a port key as we speak.”

“And what am I suppose to tell Seamus? He’ll figure out when I’m gone for a while that I’m not just going to the restroom.” I inquired.

“Maybe you should tell him the truth. I mean you haven’t told him about any of your plans yet have you?” Alex suggested.

I shook my head, “He would like it just about as much as everyone else I’ve told.” Alex and Sam gave each other a look of doubt. “What?” I asked.

The bother shrugged before Sam spoke, “Maybe they have a reason to worry.”

I groaned, “Ugh not you two too. Look I’ve already decided, I want to know who my mother is and nobody can change my mind. Not when I’m this close.” I stated.

“Jamie, you know we’d have you’re back no matter what.” Sam promised I nodded my head.

So that was it, once the four champions where in the maze, I’d leave to go meet my mother and hopefully by back before the winner was.

Telling Seamus the truth about my plans tomorrow night went over just about as well as it did with my dad, let’s just say it didn’t go over at all. I was now sitting at the Ravenclaw table, frustrated with my dad, my boyfriend and my best friends not including Sam and Alex, just great.

“Well at least you where truthful with him, he can’t be mad at you for that.” Alex tried to comfort as he took a bite of his pie.

“Oh shut up, he not mad at me because of that, he’s mad at me because he thinks I’m making a stupid decision.” I grumbled playing with my mashed potatoes.

“Maybe you should go talk to Dumbledore. I mean if he said you shouldn’t go; I bet you’d listen to him if you won’t listen to anyone else.” Sam suggested.

“I would listen to him, just like I am listening to everyone else.” I retorted. “And it still sounds like you don’t want me to go see her either.” I shot at him.

“It sounds to me like you’re just being stubborn, because you don’t want people telling you what to do.” Sam accused, god he was like a brother. I glared at him then stared intently at my food ignoring him as well.

The next night, while we were waiting for Harry, Cedric and the two others to arrive at the stadium I was sitting with Seamus. We talked a bit but still neither of us we happy with each other and tension was crackling in the air between us. I’d briefly wished Harry good luck about twenty minutes ago, just in case something happened. Cedric’s good luck ended up being a little longer by a few minutes, as he noticed the unfriendly mood between Harry and I.

So here we are now, Seamus on one side of me and Alex and Sam on the other, oh and Seamus wasn’t talking to them either, blaming them for influencing my decision. The champions where do any minute now and I would soon be with my mother for the first time in over thirteen years. I would finally be able to put a face to the name I had been told and not just a face from pictures; I would be able to see the true colours of her eyes and hair, feel the touch of her skin and not just the glossy paper of a picture.

I tried so hard not to show my excitement in front of Seamus and make him more mad.

Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts, from the eruption of the crowded arena as the champions entered, as soon as they had entered and their standings in the tournament where introduced they were in sent into the maze and the arena soon fell silent.

“Let’s go.” Sam whispered, I nodded suddenly a bit nervous but I wasn’t about to back out now.

“See you later,” I told Seamus, he didn’t reply or even acknowledge me, it hurt a little but I tried to ignore it.

We were heading up the stair case that led into the castle when I heard my name being called by a familiar voice I stopped and turned to see. Sure enough there was my boy he came running up to me red faced and breathing heavily as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Be careful,” he said pulling back and looking my in the eyes.

“I will be,” I said and kissed him on the lips.

“I love you,” he whispered.                                                

I smiled, “Me too.” And kissed him again before turning back around to catch up with Sam and Alex.

“Nervous?” Alex asked, I nodded.

“And excited.” I added and we stood in front of the book that once I touch it, it would transport me to my mother.

“Good luck.” Alex said and we embraced each other in a friendly gesture.

“Yeah good luck, little cousin.” Sam said and we did the same as Alex and I.

I looked at them both one last time, gave a confident nod and place my hand on the book.

A/N: Hey guys sorry  sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry x 1000000000. I've been soooooooooooooo busy the past weeks. School is horrible to me lately and I wish I could give it up but unfortunaly that's not an option with the career path I want to follow. Anyways this is kinda filler I guess the next part WILL  be the end of the forth year and there's a big plot twist coming soon and I hope you guys will be okay with it. So I hope you enjoyed it and I promise my schedule is going to calm down before the end of the month and hopefully I'll be able to update sooner. Talk to you all later!!

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