Chapter Three - The Mysterious Bidder

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The Mysterious Bidder

Victoria watched in horror as the blonde was purchased by a red eyed vampire for half a million. He snatched her off the platform with an evil grin. The girl kicked and screamed as the vampire snapped his fangs at her and laughed.

A Forsaken.

She didn't want to think about what would happen to the poor girl. From what she'd learned so far Forsaken vampires were heartless creatures who took pleasure in tormenting their prey. They were consumed with blood lust, forsaking pure emotions and eventually falling into madness.

What if she was sold to one of their kind? Her heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to run. Clenching her fists she forced herself not to move. She had to do this, she owed her father that much.

A demon won the next bid, offering three hundred thousand and the bones of a virgin witch. As he carried away his prize a group of witches shot him evil looks and one muttered under her breath. The demon hissed at her, but she simply laughed, flicking a hand through her bright blue hair.

She stared at them, transfixed. Surrounded by their familiars they sat in lawn chairs, drinking beer as if watching a soccer game. Each one had brightly colored hair in various styles. One girl had a white rabbit resting on her shoulder, another a small red dragon curled up around her feet.

A pack of goblins sat close by. The stout fat creatures were disgusting, covered in hair with rotted teeth. They watched the witches intensely, practically panting. One got too close, leering at a witch's exposed legs. With a flick of her wrist she set him on fire. The foul creature ran into the bushes, yelping in agony.

The elves laughed, slapping each other on the back. Victoria didn't let their carefree appearance fool her. She knew first hand that they were cruel and cunning. Elves followed their own laws. And if one of their kind broke those laws they were hunted without mercy. Like my mother.

"Victoria O'Hare!"

She jumped. Jeramiah beckoned her forward. Swallowing hard she stepped onto the platform. Despite her fear she forced her head high, refusing to cower in front of these creatures.

"Next we have this stunning beauty," the vampire announced. "A sweet half-elf with all the beauty and none of the power. You can claim her to your hearts content without risk of limb or life."

The elves in the back laughed uproariously. Anger burned in her stomach. How could they find any of this amusing?

"Please look your fill," he instructed. "The bid is half a million."

Victoria cringed as each male eyed her with lust. Some growled openly at her, others running their tongues over their fangs.

After a moment the vampire cried, "Let the bidding begin!"

Vincent was the first to bid. Thankfully, he was not alone. Victoria held her breath as the bids went round and round. She felt her knees begin to quake as the wolf continued to counter bid each offer. Not Vincent, please...

The wolf countered once more against another vampire with bright green eyes, a Pure One. Victoria felt a spark of hope; Pure One's were kind vampires that valued life. The auctioneer looked to vampire in question, but the Pure One shook his head, giving up the bid. Disappointment crashed around her.

Please not Vincent!

"We have another bid!"

Victoria let out a pent up breath, her eyes traveling to the new bidder. The man was tall and lean with dirty blonde hair. He was dressed in all black, the lower half of his face hidden by his cowl, and had a sword strapped to his side. She frowned; he appeared human.

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