Chapter Twenty-Seven - Unwelcome Guest

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Unwelcome Guest

"Finally awake?" Sebastian gave a warm chuckle, stroking his hand down her back.

Victoria sighed, nuzzling against the warm skin under her cheek. She'd woken up lying over the demon's chest and torso, his strong forearms wrapped around her waist. His chest rose and fell gently with each breath, almost lulling her back to sleep.

"It's nearly midnight, little one."

She was really beginning to love his pet names for her. Stretching she let out a sleepy yawn against his chest. "Someone kept me up all day," she teased lightly, stroking her fingers over his torso.

He shuddered. She was completely fascinated by his body and had spent long hours simply running her fingers over the many scars, which seemed to delight Sebastian to no end. Toying with his amulet she pressed a kiss to a scar over his collarbone.

"You keep that up and I'm going to keep you in bed all night too," Sebastian rumbled over a groan.

Victoria couldn't help but smile at the idea of lazing in bed with the big demon. She ran her finger down his stomach, dangerously close to his already stiffening erection.

He hissed in a breath and slapped a hand over her backside. "You tease me, female?"

She peaked up at him with a sneaky smile, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes. "It's only teasing if I don't intend to follow up."

"Oh?" Sebastian brushed stray locks of hair from her forehead gently with one of his claws. He'd taken her over and over yesterday. Not once did the demon rise although there had been a few close calls.

She sat up, sliding haphazardly down his body. He gave a little grunt as she straddled his hips. His hard shaft jutted beneath her from under the bedspread. With a little moan she rocked against him.

"Victoria," he rasped. His large hands gripped her hips, moving her faster. Tugging her forward he lapped at her neck. "I could come just from this."

She sighed. "Can't get enough of you."

He gave another chuckle. "The feeling is mutual." He kissed her deeply, groaning into her mouth. She continued to rock, her eyes sliding shut with pleasure. Just a little bit more....

Suddenly he tensed, pulling back and scenting the air.

"What is it?" Victoria asked.

"Something's not right." He got up quickly, pulling on his clothes. "Stay here, Victoria."


Sebastian left Victoria gaping after him as he stormed angrily out of their room. There was a strange male in his castle! How had the bastard made it through the wards?

He heard voices as he followed the stranger's scent to the main hall.

"You seal your own fate," Nicholas warned, his tone deadly soft. Sebastian had heard that tone before. It was typically followed by the mercenary executing whomever it was directed towards.

"She should have been mine!" the stranger's voice rang though the castle.

"She is not yours. If my master does not kill you then I will," Nicholas replied coolly. Sebastian was surprised he hadn't killed the stranger already. Which meant something was off.

"I'm not going anywhere until you give me Victoria!" the stranger shouted.

He's here to take what's mine! Sebastian roared, leaping down the stairs and landing behind the stranger. "What are you doing here?!"

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