Chapter Six - The Demon King

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The Demon King

Sebastian watched the limo approach his castle with a mixture of anxiety and desire. Why was he doing this? What if he killed the little female?

Even as he feared harming her, he hardened, straining against his jeans. The demon within his mind yearned for her, demanding he obey. He couldn't deny that the man in him desired her as well.

He groaned, rubbing one of his horns. He was such a fool. What did he hope would come of this, aside from sexual release? Did he truly believe the female would come to desire him, maybe even love him?

Sebastian shook his head. It was foolish thinking, he knew that. But still...

He pressed closer to the window, watching as the limo came to a halt out front. Nicholas emerged, smiling brightly as he offered his hand to the female.

Shaking, he resisted the strong impulse to harm the other man just for touching her. Without thinking his claws scraped down the window frame, shredding the wood.

Fuck, but she was beautiful, with soft features, high cheek bones and pink full lips. Her breasts were generous, her waist narrow. Wide hips swayed seductively as she walked, and he wondered if she did it consciously.

His cock was throbbing just watching her. He wanted her, had to have her. For too long he'd gone without the touch of another. He was starved for it.

And, dear god, she was a virgin.

He gazed down at her though the window and groaned. Her long hair blew in the breeze, dark and shining, the color of chocolate. He ached to know the feel of it.

A low growl sounded in his chest, he wanted her with him, now. It had been so long since he'd felt anything aside from rage and loneliness.

As he watched the two near the castle the demon within prowled, clawing at his mind. Clenching his teeth Sebastian forced his gaze away from the beautiful woman he was soon to claim. He had to remain in control. He also needed a damn shower; he was covered in blood from battling at the auction.

A soft knock came at the door.

"What!?" he shouted, more with frustration than anger.

Jasper poked his head inside and frowned. His servant was rarely deterred by his moods. Of course the spectral demon could turn completely incorporeal, which he often did. That particular gift had saved him from a number of close calls with Sebastian's claws. "She's arrived."

"I know," he grumbled. "I will join her shortly."

"Very well, sire." Jasper paused before asking, "Are you sure about this? She is a halfling."

"I'm not going to rip her apart!" he yelled, clenching his fists. At least he would try his fucking hardest not too.

"I understand, but we are not even sure if this female is immortal. One wrong move-"

"Get out," he snapped, flashing his fangs. He did not need to be reminded of this. He needed her.

Fuck, he would go mad if he didn't take her.

Jasper ducked out just as Sebastian chucked a chair at the door. The wood crashed, splintering into bits from the force.

He sighed, bracing a forearm against the window. Lightning struck over a distant mountain, thunderous clouds rolling in the dark sky, a reflection of his inner turmoil.

Seeing her on that platform had done something to him. She had been so beautiful, standing before the crowd with her head held high. All those males had eyed her with open hunger. He'd struggled not to rip them all apart just for looking at her, clenching his fists until they dripped blood from his claws.

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