Chapter Twenty - The Halfling Get's Pissed

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The Halfling Get's Pissed

"What do you mean no sex?"

Sebastian stood dumbfounded as Victoria rounded on him. When he'd summoned her to his office that evening and informed her of his decision he had not expected this reaction.

The halfling was pissed.

He had to swallow before he could say, "It's for the best."

"Well thank you for deciding that for me, Bastian," she huffed.

Wincing he resisted the urge to tug at the collar of his shirt. Now that she'd seen his demonic form there was no point in hiding from her. Instead he decided to try and not look like the wild monster he was as much as possible.

For the first time in centuries he was wearing a fucking shirt, and he hated it. He'd already yanked open the first three buttons and rolled up the sleeves. The fabric felt foreign over his chest, constricting him. But the look of approval in Victoria's eyes when she first walked into his office had made it all worth it.

Of course now she was glaring at him. "You're angry?"

She rolled her eyes. "No shit, Sherlock."

Another throat clear. "Why?"

Victoria pursed her lips. "You may not believe this, Sebastian, but I actually enjoy sleeping with you."

Desire hit him in the gut like a hammer, his cock shooting hard as steel. Sitting down on the edge of his desk he drew in a deep breath. "You do?"

She rolled her eyes again as if this were obvious.

"But I hurt you...twice."

"Not that badly," she snapped before flushing crimson. "Okay, maybe it did hurt but it wasn't on purpose." Before he could argue she rushed on, "And I really like when you..." she broke off, her eyes darting away in embarrassment.

Fuck! Shifting he tried to ease the pressure in his jeans. "I can't pleasure you and stay in control," he rasped. "I won't be able to stop myself from taking you."

Crossing her arms over her chest she grumbled, "I still don't see the problem. It felt amazing last time."

Amazing? Sebastian coughed, rubbing a hand over his mouth. She was killing him. He could still feel her coming on his cock; the memory was stuck on replay in his mind. Keep it together, Sebastian. "I need it to feel good for you every time, Victoria. And I can't do that until I have a handle on...on myself."

"And I don't have a say in this? This isn't the dark ages, Sebastian. You can't just make decisions for me."

He was both shocked and thrilled that she was arguing with him over this. Her desire for him was like a balm over centuries of self-loathing. With one needy look she sent his confidence soaring. His eyes zeroed in on the fading mark he'd left on her neck and his fangs throbbed. She didn't even try to hide it, as if displaying it proudly. It made him want to lunge across the room, slam her little body against the wall and fuck her until they both screamed.

His cock leaked into his jeans. Stifling a groan he looked out the window, trying to remain in control as he watched the sun set through the falling snow. "You need to trust me that this is for the best."

"Bullshit." She threw her hands up with exasperation. "Any other decisions you want to make for me?"

Sighing, he focused his attention back on her. Even furious she looked so damn beautiful. Her long hair was piled high in a bun and she was wearing a pretty white cotton dress with an oversized dark blue sweater. The blue went perfectly with her pale complexion. Is that what my skin looks like against hers?

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