Commonly Asked Questions

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Update 08/04: As I progressed with this series and the plot line I decided to change some things around as far as book orders go. I've updated the below with the latest and greatest information, answers to your questions, etc...

Hey Immortal Readers,

I've received a ton of PM's on this so I thought I would just slap this right here.

There are three (maybe four...or five....) books in the series. Each book centers on a new romantic couple with returning characters from the previous books. Really the number of books depends on how well The Hunters Queen is received, but there will definitely be three. Whether three contains the end for the series is up in the air at this point.

Book 1 - Sebastian and Victoria

Book 2 - Vincent and Evelyn (I know he is the bad guy in this book, but our big bad wolf has a chance at redemption. Trust me, you want to read this!)

Book 3 - Nicholas and Mystery Woman (Sooooo badddasss. My favorite by far, and that's all I'm gonna say.)

Book 4 - Bane and Chloe - UP IN THE AIR?UP TO READERS?DEPENDS ON IF PEOPLE ARE EVEN STILL READING THESE!! (Update: I've decided not to include their story in this series. Instead the fourth book will be based on a character introduced in The Hunter's Queen. A certain seer. NO SPOILERS! I then plan a witch spin off that will kick off with Bane and Chloe. They are just too good to not write a book for.)

Book 5 - Levina and Mystery Man (ARE YOU SHOCKED?)

I did this for a reason, that will become more and more apparent as the series progresses, but basically it all comes together at the end for a big ass climatic finish.

Answers to Common Questions:


Because I love him, okay!!! And because he has an important part to play. And maybe, just maybe, the big bad wolf can redeem himself. And don't worry, Seb and Vic are in the book too, but via Nicholas' POV.

Will there be a book about Nicholas?

Yes! Book Three.

Will there be a story for Bane and Chloe?

Yes! I will be writing a witch spin off series sometime in the future!

Will there be a book for a Grace?

Yes! She will be part of my witch spin off series.

Will there be a book about Charles and Jasper?

Hell, yes! I plan to do a spin-off M/M (ManXMan) for C/J. Bet you didn't know I wrote M/M. *Wink Wink* Unless you followed me from, then you totally know I love a good M/M. This may turn into a mini-series...probably most

Are Seb and Victoria in future books? 

Sebastian and Victoria make appearances in Book Two. They will also return and make appearances in Book Three and Four. There may or may not be some baby news along the way...*evil laugh*

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