Chapter Eleven - Conversing with a Demon

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Conversing with a Demon

Victoria awoke to a dark cool room. She yawned and stretched gingerly, grateful that her muscles weren't nearly as sore as they had been. Sitting up she rubbed at her eyes and glanced around sleepily.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as a gigantic shadow moved by her bed. "Sebastian?"

"Yes," the familiar voice rumbled through the dark. Victoria felt her heart leap with excitement and chastised herself for it. She couldn't comprehend why that deep voice excited her but it did.

"You startled me," she admitted softly.

"I apologize. Frightening you is not my intent."

"You don't frighten me," she whispered, shocked that it was true. Strangely enough after last night she was anything but afraid of him, which was probably stupid of her.

"I should," he snapped. "I should terrify you and you would be wise to remember that."

Scowling Victoria peered into the darkness, trying to make out his form in more detail. All she could see was his massive shadow and broad shoulders. His features were hidden in darkness, his head and body covered by a cloak.

Today she'd spent hours reading about his kind and was beginning to suspect she knew what type of demon he was. She wondered what he would do if she told him. Somehow she had a feeling he would be upset with her. But she couldn't help but want to know more about the demon, she was just so curious about him.

In an attempt to get them on more stable ground she asked stupidly, "How was your day?"

"My day? You wish to exchange pleasantries?" He sounded both confused and irritated at the same time. He certainly didn't seem in a pleasant mood. Last night he had been so...unsure and careful with her. It was like she was speaking to a different man. "It was fine," he finally grumbled. He took a step closer. "How do you feel?"

"I'm alright." She bit her lip. "Can I turn on the light?"

"Why?" he growled.

She scowled, her irritation rising. "I just...I wanted to see you."

"I told you that will not happen."

"Do you plan to stay in the dark forever?"


That irked her. "I can't stay locked in this room, Sebastian."

"You are not my prisoner, Victoria. You are free to leave your room."


Flicking his cloak he stalked closer to the bed. Did he plan to take her again? Dragging the blankets up to her chin she inched back. "I don't think I can do that tonight."

He stopped his forward prowl, looming over her small frame. She had to suppress a gasp as his eyes glinted in the dark, bright gold. "You deny me?" His voice was low and dangerous.

"No! I just...last night I'd never..." she stuttered to a stop, dropping her gaze and blushing furiously.

He snorted. "Rest easy, female. I will not have you tonight."

"Oh..." Why in the hell was she disappointed!? Her body was still healing and there was no way she could handle his size. She bit her lip, although she had caught herself fantasizing about him today. If she relaxed, and with some preparation, just maybe...

She blushed even further at her thoughts.

Sebastian inched closer, his voice hoarse in the dark, "You sound disappointed, little female."

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