Chapter Twenty-One - The Demon Could Kill

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The Demon Could Kill

"Amazing," Charles breathed, leaning forward into Jasper's personal space and scrutinizing his face. "You can truly turn incorporeal? I find that remarkable."

Jasper actually fucking blushed and Sebastian just covered his mouth to hide his shock. Never once in nearly a millennium had Sebastian ever seen the spectral demon flustered.

"Charles, space," Damian said.

"What?" Charles looked around, as if suddenly realizing there were other people in the room beside himself and Jasper. As soon as the vampire laid eyes on the spectral demon he'd been completely enthralled.

"You're invading it," Damian explained.

"Oh? I do apologize." Charles turned his attention back on Jasper and grinned. "Perhaps you could visit me at Grey Manor? I would very much enjoy your company."

Jasper's mouth opened before he snapped it shut. Flushing a deep shade of red he nodded.

"Excellent. I look forward to it." Taking a seat in front of Sebastian's desk Charles crossed his hands over his stomach. "So what shall we talk about?"

Jasper poured them glasses of whiskey while Sebastian sat in his chair. He had to admit it was good seeing Charles again. Despite the centuries the vampire had not changed one bit. The Pure One was well known for his curious if not borderline eccentric behavior.

Sebastian smirked, although one would never think it to look at him Charles was one of the oldest vampires in existence, extremely powerful and dangerous. However, as far back as Sebastian could remember the vampire had always had a gentle nature, a rarity among his kind.

"I need to know about the elves. About one in particular."

"Victoria's mother I presume. The halfling is quite fetching is she not?"

Sebastian gritted his teeth. He did not like the way Victoria had smiled so sweetly at the vampire. She's never looked at me like that.

Charles chuckled. "Not afraid of you at all."

Ignoring him Sebastian said, "We believe her heritage may be of importance."

Charles nodded. "It is interesting. I know I've heard of Adora before, but I can't for the life of me remember where."

"We've all experienced this," Sebastian confirmed.

"Which leads me to believe her name has been bound."

He frowned. "Bound?"

"Yes. It is deep magic. If an elf commits an absolute betrayal against their kind the elves will bind their name, removing all memory of them. It's as if they never existed. If one tries to recall that person," he raised his hands as if holding empty air, "there's nothing."

"Damn." Jasper whistled. "Who could cast something liked that?"

"A high level witch. Or a mystic."

Sebastian jerked, his demon stirring. "Levina..."

"Possibly," Charles mused. "She is on the move by the way. There have been reports of her all over. The sorceress is up to something...the little schemer."

Jasper shot him a look. Sebastian gritted his teeth, willing himself not to lose it. On the night of Levina's curse he'd vowed to hunt her down and kill her. But even he knew such an action would be futile. A mystic was near god like, they could not be killed. Not unless they wanted to be.

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