Chapter Seven - Pleasures in the Dark

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AN: Just a friendly reminder this is for mature audiences only!

Pleasures in the Dark

"Do not be afraid, female," a male voice spoke from the darkness. It was deep and rough, surprising her. She expected something cold, like the hiss of snake. Instead, his voice was an attractive rumble, tinged with a strange accent she didn't recognize.

"I'm alright," Victoria whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

He moved closer, she could hear the soft rustle of his clothing. Even with the darkness, and her back turned, she could tell he was massive. Don't run, don't run.

"I can scent your fear," his rough voice grated.

Dear lord. Relax, don't panic. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her hammering heart.

"Your name is Victoria?"

"Uh, yes," she said, caught slightly off guard. Were they going to exchange pleasantries? If she wasn't so terrified she might have laughed. "Do you have"

There was a pause. Then he rumbled almost grudgingly, "Sebastian.

"Bastian?" Without thinking she moved to glance over her shoulder at him.

"Do not look at me," he snarled.

She jumped, snapping her eyes forward. Smooth move, Victoria. The one rule... "I'm sorry. I...I can't see."

He shifted behind her before exhaling slowly. "I don't want to frighten you."

"You don't think this is frightening?" she whispered.

"It's the only way." His voice sounded pained as he spoke. Was he truly that terrifying?

"Do you do this kind of thing often?" she dared to ask.

Sebastian hesitated, before answering hoarsely, "No. I have not had a female in a very long time."

Her heart ached over his words, confounding her. Why did he have to sound so torn?

She heard him move closer, shuddering when his hot breath fanned across her neck. She could feel the heat from his massive body, warming her chilled skin. Something stirred within her. This was not what she had expected at all.

"You're beautiful," he murmured. Her breath caught, no one had ever told her that before.

His head dipped down, brushing against her hair. He gave an appreciative groan as he inhaled her scent. Her stomach clenched at the sound, her fear slowly dissipating. She almost felt...excited. What's happening?

"You're innocent?" he asked suddenly.

Oh god, embarrassing. Flushing, she nodded. "Yes, but...I mean...I know what to expect." She couldn't believe she was saying this to a centuries old demon.

Sebastian gave a strangled sound. "You're shaking. Do you want to run?"

He could see that?

Wait, this creature could see her! In the dark! Powerful demon. Not human. Her arms flew to her breasts, covering them self-consciously.

The demon growled. "You hide from me?"

Stammering, she tried to explain, "I...I'm nervous..."

His breath hitched. "I wish it could be differently. I will try to make this good for you, little one."

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