Chapter Thirty-One - The Demon Wants Forever

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The Demon Wants Forever

"Bane is an interesting demon."  

Sighing, Sebastian leaned his head back against the tub. Victoria was curled up against his chest, her fingers absently circling one of his scars. The halfling was fascinated by them. It pleased him to no end. The marks on his body, even those from his slavery, didn't embarrass him. Demon's were warriors above anything else, scars were a right of passage among them.

"Mmm...I was pleased to see him well." As the warm water eased his muscles he idly trailed his claws over her slick back. "Although, if he made me wait any longer I would have snapped off one of his horns."

She slapped his chest. "That's not nice...Can you even do that?"

He chuckled. "Yes. Our horns are the one part of us that wont regenerate if broken. It's a dishonor for a demon to have one broken."

"That's even worse!" she gasped. "You wouldn't."

"No," he relented with a smirk. "He's suffered much since Levina."

"What happened to him?"

"When the sorceress attacked he tried to stop her." Sebastian shrugged, shoving down his guilt. "It didn't end well. He was badly hurt but he couldn't regenerate. He was weak and in pain, there was nothing we could do. He could no longer turn demonic. He said it felt as if his demon had been ripped from him."

"And that upset him, not being able to turn?"

"Bane isn't like me. He embraced his demon and turned willingly. He never tried to fight or cage it within his mind." Leaning down he kissed the top of her head. "He became a different man after that night, hard and cold. I feared he'd end himself."

"Were the two of you close?"

Close didn't begin to describe the bond he felt with Bane. He was a brother, not by blood, but by something so much deeper; hardship and pain. They had suffered together and had derived strength from each other. "We were enslaved together. In that environment you form bonds. Nicholas was there as well."

Her brows arched, as if she couldn't believe it. "Nicholas?"

"Yes, but he won't speak of it. Out of all of us his treatment was the worst. They used to put him in the pits." Nicholas, the savage human boy cursed with immortality. Grinning like a demented beast as he slaughtered. Sebastian shuddered, not much had changed.

"What were the pits?"

"When the lords grew bored they'd make the slaves fight against each other. They tossed him in for sport at a young age. Since Nicholas was a human they never imagined he would survive. They were wrong."

After a pause she whispered, "He can be pretty scary, can't he?"

Sebastian gave a curt laugh. "You have no idea. Nicholas is very dangerous. The centuries have made him just as strong as a demon and he's a skilled fighter. He seeks battle as a man seeks a woman, almost relishes it."

"Nicholas is always so kind and gentle with me, it's hard to imagine him as a deadly killer," she mused.

"He cares for you."

"Why was he cursed as a boy?"

"I honestly don't know. He doesn't speak of it." There was much Nicholas kept to himself and Sebastian didn't press.

"Jasper was there too right? With Ivan?" she asked softly.

"He told you that?" Jasper rarely spoke of his time with Ivan. Sebastian knew it still haunted Jasper. The spectral demon had never fully overcome his time as Ivan's personal plaything. He scowled, after all the centuries had any of them fully moved on?

Not until Ivan is dead.

Victoria nuzzled his chest. "He mentioned it. I know he suffered. I hate to think about it. About any of you going through that." Her voice hitched with emotion as she spoke.

"It was a long time ago, little one." He stroked her hair consolingly.

He felt her smile against his skin. "Do you think he's okay? With Charles I mean."

Sebastian chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure he's more than okay."

Victoria giggled and hell if that wasn't adorable. "I knew there was something going on between those two."

"Did you?" Sebastian had suspected as well. Still, he'd never seen Charles in such a state. Jasper must have really pushed the vampire. An unwise move. Charles may be a Pure One, but he was still a vampire, and powerful as fuck. Even Charles had his limits.

"Mmm..." Victoria snuggled against his chest and gave a deep sigh. "I wish we didn't have to worry about the Legion. Can we just stay right here?"

"It might get cold after awhile," he teased.

"You can keep me warm."

His heart thumped. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. It wasn't long before she relaxed against him completely in sleep.

Smiling he stroked her wet hair. So soft.

Memories of her sweet little mouth wrapped around his shaft filled his mind. He groaned. He'd pleasured her thoroughly for hours, spilling so damn hard inside her that his eyes rolled back into his head. Can't get enough of her.

Although, he was still concerned that she'd made a deal with Levina, he was also thrilled at her reason for doing it. The little female had wanted to save his life. How could he stay angry with her?

And the way she'd looked at him today, telling the witch that demons were worth it. He'd wanted to take her on the spot.

Had he truly believed woman were just tools for his pleasure? What a fool. Now he wondered at how he'd gone so long without her. He was completely addicted to this woman and he didn't care who knew it.

It had clearly been obvious to Bane. He hadn't missed the way the other demon had glanced at Victoria's neck. Bane had been expecting to see his mark.

God knew he wanted to give it to her.

Would Victoria accept him now? Even with his curse?

There was no doubt that she desired him. And he knew she cared for him. But it wasn't enough, he craved more. He needed a bond between them that could not be undone.

He needed to say the words and sink his fangs so deep into her flesh that she would be bound to him forever.

Shutting his eyes he drew a calming breath. He was reaching the razor's edge. Each time he took her his fangs ached and the need to mark her as his mate was fierce.

He couldn't put it off any longer. He needed to tell her how he felt.

Then I'll make her mine forever.

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