Chapter Twelve - The Demon's Temper

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The Demon's Temper

Sebastian couldn't even remember the last time he'd laughed, the sound foreign in his ears. He was thoroughly enjoying this time with Victoria.

Even with his body throbbing with desire he found the strength to remain in control. He'd nearly lost it when he saw her imagining his bite. His fangs had physically ached with the thought of marking her. As Victoria sat across from unknowing, he'd waged an internal war just to keep the demon caged within his mind. 

Hell, even the man in him was struggling not to take her.

Can't ruin this moment. Victoria was being so trusting with him, conversing with him freely. He found that if he kept his gaze on her it seemed to focus him, quieting the demon within and its brutal instincts.

After a moment his inner demon quieted.

With his demon firmly locked down Sebastian could appreciate other aspects of Victoria aside from her beauty. She was intelligent, amusing, and beyond cute. He could become addicted to this woman.

Shaking his head he said, "No sharp objects. I'll keep that in mind."

Victoria rubbed the back of her neck bashfully. "Good idea."

"So, what else have you learned about my kind?" he asked. At first he'd been nervous and slightly pissed that she'd been trying to figure out what he was. Now he was more curious on what her reaction would be. What will she do when she learns I'm no better than a mindless killer?

Victoria thought for a moment before saying, "Well, I've narrowed it down to either a death demon or a berserker."

His body tensed, but he forced himself to breathe and remain calm. "Why those two?"

"Well they are both pretty big...ah...physically."

She was blushing again, her skin flushed right down to the tops of her breasts. His hands twitched. Would her skin be hot under his touch? His eyes focused on the pulse of her neck, beating an erratic tempo. He ran a tongue over a fang, imagining her taste.

His fists clenched, claws nearly drawing blood. Never in all his centuries had Sebastian so much as considered marking a female. Now he was fighting not to pin Victoria down and bury his fangs into her soft neck.  

Focus. "Keep going," he commanded huskily.

"It said berserkers were the power house of the demons, like the strongest physically. Death demons are the oldest race," she paused, "I don't think you're a death demon though."

She knows. "Why not?"

"Well, it said they're very rare. And that they can only be killed by another death demon."

Death demons were the fucking apocalypse, killing everything in their wake. Before the realm fell, death demons went to war among themselves. Some believe it was their war that killed the demon world. Thankfully, few remained. "All true. The legends of the Grim Reaper originated from death demons. In the old times they would perform mass reaping's and their main weapon is a scythe."

She visibly shuddered. If that bothered her then what did she think of him? At least death demons had some sort of purpose. He killed for the pure enjoyment of it.

"Then you're a berserker," she whispered.


She looked at him a moment before tapping her chin. "That makes sense."

Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)Where stories live. Discover now