Chapter Fifteen - The Halfling Makes a Move

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The Halfling Makes a Move

Just do it.

Victoria stared down at her new phone, her thumb hovering over the call button. Her father's number glared up at her.

Man up, Victoria. Her stomach was twisting into knots. She badly wanted to call her father but she was so nervous. What would he say? Would he be upset? Sad? Angry?

She huddled on her bed, the blankets wrapped around her shoulders. It had started to snow again and there was a chill in the air. Jasper had left just minutes ago after hours of hard-core zombie killing. At first he'd been reluctant to play but her persistence prevailed. Within minutes the demon had been addicted, insisting they play level after level. Who would have thought that Jasper had an inner gamer just waiting to come out? He would probably still be playing if the sun hadn't set.

But the night belonged to Sebastian. She shuddered, desire already coiling in her stomach. When would he come to her? What did he have planned for tonight? She almost couldn't wait to find out. Falling asleep in his arms the night before had been bliss.

First she needed to call her father. She needed to know if he was alright. Yet she hesitated. She just didn't want to hear him upset. Or worse...Suck it up and do it! Dragging in a deep breath she started the call.

After the third ring her father answered, his gruff familiar voice grating over the phone. "Hello?"


"Oh my god, Victoria!"

She breathed a sigh of relief, he sounded surprised but he didn't sound upset. "Hi Dad, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I've been so worried. Victoria, how could you do that? Without even telling me?"

She felt her eyes water. "I was so scared for you. I thought it was the only way."

"I could have handled it. Nothing is worth you selling yourself like that. What if you'd been taken by something...evil?"

She winced. "I was ready for that."

"Victoria!" Okay, now he was pissed. His reaction made her smile.

"I'm sorry. But it's okay. I'm with someone, a demon. He takes really good care of me. You should see all the nice things he's given me." Some of which she planned to mail to him. There was no way she could keep such expensive items while her father suffered in poverty.

"And he's treating you well? He hasn't...hurt you?"

She knew exactly what he meant and it made her blush. "No Dad. He...he's a good person."

"I just can't imagine what kind of person would buy a poor girl at an auction like that. Your mother told me about them but I never believed people would still do such a thing."

Neither had she but this was a very different world. "I know, but trust me Sebastian really is one of the good ones. He only did it because he had no other choice." Because he's lonely and broken and thinks he's a monster. She was determined to prove him wrong.

"Sebastian, huh? I guess I don't have a choice either way. Where are you?"


"Jesus Christ!"

She laughed. "I know. And guess what, a freaking witch teleported me here!"

"Seriously? You're mother told me that was possible. Hard to believe..."

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