Chapter Sixteen - Pleasure and Regret

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AN: Once again mature content awesome readers. And thank you for the comments and votes so far. It really does make my day and keeps me going! 

Pleasure and Regret

She nearly moaned.

Sebastian's lips were hot and firm, like his body. He was so tall she had to stand on the tip of her toes just to reach him. And even then she had to pull his head down to meet her.

As she kissed him Sebastian stood completely still and for one heart stopping moment she worried that he didn't want her. Then he growled, his hands lowering to grip her ass.

She whimpered as he pressed her tighter against him. She could feel the hard planes of his chest and torso and it excited her. The ridge of his erection jutted against her belly from beneath his jeans and she gasped, pulling back slightly. "Sebastian."

"I want you," he grated roughly. Her heart slammed in her chest and he growled again.

Hauling her off her feet he slanted his lips over hers once more. The intense stab of desire shocked her. She cried out and his tongue plunged between her lips. Oh god, his taste! Hot and smooth with a hint of whiskey.

Sebastian devoured her mouth, his tongue thrusting and licking. She could feel his sharp fangs and her desire mounted. Never had she been kissed like this. Shaking she held onto him, soft needy sounds in her throat.

When Sebastian finally broke away she was breathless, her body aching. His hands clenched around the mounds of her ass as he lapped at her neck, his hard shaft pulsing between them.

"I can't resist you," he murmured.

The feeling was mutual. "Sebastian, please," she pleaded on a whisper.

Sebastian groaned, lifting her higher. He carried her across the room, setting her on her knees at the edge of the bed. His golden eyes glowed in the darkness, flickering over her body. Slipping a finger under the strap of her nightgown he asked, "Did you wear this for me?"

Victoria flushed, biting her lip. "Do you like it?"

She heard him swallow before he rasped, "I love it. I want to fucking rip it off you with my teeth."

Holy shit! The deep empty ache between her legs increased tenfold. "I've never worn anything like this before."

He stilled before rumbling, "That pleases me, Victoria."

His voice... Dragging in a deep breath she tried to rein in on her desire. She badly wished she could see him. His hot body was so close, tempting her. "Can I...can I touch you?"

He stiffened. "You want to touch me?"

"Please. I just...I really want too."

Sebastian sucked in a breath, as if readying himself for battle. "Very well, little one."

Excitement and nerves rolled in her stomach. She raised her hands, her palms hovering over his skin, unsure of where she should touch him first. He caught her wrists, drawing in a deep breath. He lowered her hands to his chest, shuddering as they pressed against his skin. "Here. Touch me here."

Her eyelids grew heavy as she smoothed her hands over his chest. Shaking she ran her palms over his hard pecks, down his torso and rigid abs. They flexed and dipped under her touch. His muscles were tense beneath her palms and she knew he struggled to remain in control. How much time did she have before his inner demon broke free?

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