Chapter Twenty-Six - The Demon King's Gift

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The Demon King's Gift

Victoria scowled across the chessboard and mumbled under her breath as Jasper took her rook with his queen.

The spectral demon raised one dark eyebrow and grinned. "What was that?"

"You're cheating," she grumbled, taking one of his pawns with her queen.

He chuckled, "Are you sure you want to make that move?"

"What?" She eyed the board and nearly smacked herself over the forehead. She'd just lined her queen up to be taken by his knight. "I take that back!" She hastily moved her queen back and shifted her rook instead towards his king. "Hah, check!"

Jasper rubbed a hand over his chin and assessed the board. Victoria hated to admit it but he was good, really good, at chess. She watched him impatiently, his amber eyes narrowed in thought.

They sat in the great room, a warm fire burning in the large fireplace. Nicholas watched them from the couch, drinking scotch and smoking a cigar. As usual he was in all black, his long jacket and black slacks gave him an air of mystery and danger. Although he rarely talked about himself, Victoria was beginning to catch on that there was a lot more to Nicholas than met the eye.

Jasper rubbed a hand though his hair and moved his knight. "Check mate."

"What!" Victoria gasped, staring down at the board. "No way!"

Jasper laughed. "Would you like to try again?"

Victoria crossed her arms over her chest and feigned anger. "Not if you're going to keep on cheating!"

"My dear halfling, I would never cheat a lady." Jasper wagged his eyebrows suggestively. Victoria blushed, wondering if he had taken some cues from Nicholas.

"Don't believe him," Nicholas warned her teasingly. "Jasper would definitely cheat a lady."

"As if you're one to talk," Jasper replied curtly. "I happen to know you do far worse."

Nicholas smiled knowingly. "Only with their consent."

Rolling his eyes Jasper shook his head. Victoria giggled.

Sebastian entered the great room suddenly, glancing around at everyone with a frown. Victoria felt her heart skip at the sight of him. Lately, he'd taken to wearing expensive clothes, dressing in finely tailored dress shirts and slacks. He looked so hot and fearsome all at once Victoria had to resist the urge to fan herself.

The past few days with him had been amazing. Sleeping with him alone was bliss. She'd grown so accustomed to his warm body protectively wrapped around her own she didn't think she could ever sleep without him.

And the pleasure...She felt a shiver run up her spine.

Sebastian pleased her often, using his mouth and hands to drive her mad. At times it was so intense she sobbed and pleaded for him to stop. But he never did, he was relentless, always taking her to the edge and sending her crashing.

Never once had he lost control but there had been some close calls. The shower had been all but demolished by his horns and there were always deep gouges in the headboard or wall after he pleasured her. They now kept a witch on staff full time to repair the damage.

Although, they hadn't had sex yet she knew it was going to happen soon. Hell, she begged him enough for it. She was aching to have him fill her and didn't hide that fact.

Judging by the burning in Sebastian's eyes it would be happening sooner rather than later. The demon was always on edge, his demon within wanted her and she knew the man did too.

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