Chapter Seventeen - Face of the Demon King

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Face of the Demon King

Victoria held back tears. Her body was still in pain but the discomfort was rapidly vanishing. She could already feel the bite on her lip healing.

The physical pain wasn't the reason her eyes welled with sadness, it was because her demon was suffering.

Victoria couldn't deny she was disappointed. Sebastian had given her so much pleasure; she would have done anything for more. She also knew he fought his inner demon each time he was with her, and that it had only been a matter of time before he lost control. That wasn't his fault. He couldn't refute his inner demon. Even after her short time with him she could see that. If only she could make him understand that as well.

"You're not a monster, Sebastian-"

"Enough!" he bellowed. With a snarl he smashed his fist into a side table. She heard it shatter, crushed into pieces. She jumped but still didn't back away from him. "After all I've done how can you not see it?"

"Please, just listen to me."

"No!" A dark hand slashed through the air. "We can't do this. I can't do this. All I do is hurt you." He paced before her, his big shadow moving with jerky steps. "This was a mistake. I never should have brought you here."

His words were a knife in her heart. What did that mean? Was he turning her away? Was he done with her? "Sebastian, please. It's alright."

"Stop!" he all but shouted. "How can you constantly deny what I am?" His shadow stalked to a light switch. "You don't believe me a monster, Victoria, then I'll show you!"

Light flooded the room, blinding her. She winced against the glare, spots in her eyes. She blinked rapidly, clearing them away. As her vision focused once more Victoria heard her own gasp, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

Sebastian's massive chest was heaving, his body quaking with fury. Straight black hair hung to his shoulders, strands falling over his eyes and face. His skin was a deep blue, darker around his golden eyes. It made him look sinister and dangerous. Black horns protruded from the side of his head, curving forward and tapering into deadly points beside his temples. His dark claws glinted in the light, already regenerating.

His lips curled back into a snarl, revealing sharp fangs. "Do you see it now?"

Unconsciously she stepped back, not terrified of his form but of the look on his face. His eyes were murderous. "Sebastian..."

"Now you see it, don't you?" he laughed, the sound cold and harsh. "Go on, little one, quake with fear. Fall before my feet, beg for your life."

"Stop," her voice trembled.

Reaching out he snatched up her laptop and hurled it across the room. It smashed into the television, glass shattering to the stone floor.

"Sebastian, stop!"

"Now you fear me!" he roared, smashing sharp claws through a chair.

Jasper appeared suddenly, grabbing Victoria and pulling her behind him. "You've gone too far, sire!" he shouted.

"How dare you interfere." Sebastian moved forward in a flash, his claws ripping down Jasper's chest.

Jasper grunted, gripping at the wound, blood spilling to the floor. "Fuck, that hurt."

"Jasper!" She grabbed his shoulders. "Why didn't you turn?" Immediately it struck her that Jasper had taken the hit on purpose, if he'd been incorporeal Sebastian's claws could have gone right through him and struck her instead. "Sebastian, what have you done?"

Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)Where stories live. Discover now