Chapter Twenty- Eight - The Demon's Torment

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The Demon's Torment

"Hold him down!" Jasper ordered.

Sebastian began to thrash violently. Holding back sobs Victoria put all her strength into holding down one of his arms as Nicholas held down his feet.

Victoria didn't know if she could take much more. For days she'd watched her demon suffer and each hour the pain increased. Sebastian shouted in agony, sweat beading over his brow.

She could hear his heart beating rapidly as his body seized. The attacks were coming more frequently now and he'd grown delirious, calling out for her. It broke her heart, her eyes red and swollen from her tears.

His hand jerked from her grasp. She hissed as his claws sliced across her chest and leaving deep scratches. Crying she clasped his arm against her, ignoring the pain.

Desperately she wanted to take away his pain. She couldn't stand to see him like this. It was torture to watch him suffer. Each attack was a knife in her heart. If she lost him...her breath hitched, it would be like losing part of her soul. She couldn't bare it.

Sebastian gasped for breath, another bellow of pain on his lips. Then he went limp as his heart stopped.

Victoria stared down at his prone body in shock. No! This can't happen. "Sebastian!" she shouted, shaking him. "Wake up."

He didn't respond, his body lying still on the bed as blood streaked from his eyes and mouth.

Clasping his face she begged him, "Wake up, please."

"Victoria." Nicholas clasped a hand over her shoulder. "Leave him."

"No!" she turned on him, shoving against his chest. "He's not dead." He couldn't die. She wouldn't allow it. Turning back to Sebastian she pounded on his chest. "Wake up, god damn you!"

Sebastian jerked, sucking in a gasping breath. She sobbed with relief as his heart began to beat once more. She kissed his cheeks and nose, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her head against his shoulder.

"You only prolonging the inevitable," Jasper warned her softly.

"I won't let him die." Leaning up and disregarding her own wounds she quickly cleaned away the blood from his eyes and mouth, wiping at her tears with the sleeve of her sweater.

Shaking his head Jasper informed her grimly, "The pain will only increase. I fear his body can't take much more."

"There must be a way to stop this?" she asked.

"Charles has been searching everywhere. This poison is very rare. It comes from a plant unique to our realm. I don't know of anyone in this world that could create an antidote."

Hitching her chin Victoria said firmly, "I want to go to Vincent."

Nicholas scowled. "That is not an option, Victoria."

"He's going to die!" she cried in frustration. Several times she'd wanted to seek out Vincent and agree to whatever the hell he wanted just to get Sebastian the antidote. Each time they stopped her. Nicholas had even taken her teleportation amulet. "I can't just stand here and watch him suffer."

"He wouldn't want that," Jasper said. "He would rather die."

Taking Sebastian's hand she sniffed. "It's my choice." Stroking her fingertips over his forehead she murmured, "I'll do whatever it takes."

Jasper patted her back gently. "You're not thinking clearly. You need to rest."

"No." Victoria shook her head. "I want to stay."

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