Chapter Thirty-Six - The Demon King's Claim

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The Demon King's Claim

Victoria stirred, stretching gingerly under the covers. She was so warm and comfortable, snuggled down deep in the soft bed. Wiggling her wrists she sighed as her hands moved without the stinging pain she had grown accustomed too since Vincent had captured her.

Cracking an eye open she poked her head out from under the covers. It was nearly dawn, the first soft rays of light glittering through the windows. Rolling over she sat up with a yawn, long locks of brown hair falling in front of her eyes.

Rubbing a hand over her face she looked around in slight confusion. She was back in her room at the castle. Their room! "Sebastian?"

"Mmm..." a warm voice rumbled beside her. A large hand reached up from under the covers and wrapped around her waist, pulling her back into the bed.

This wasn't right. The hand and arm wrapped around her was big and warm...and not blue. "Sebastian?"

"Yes, love." His rough voice tingled up her spine as he rubbed his cheek against her back and pressed her harder against his body. A body that was very naked.

"I...what happened?"

He gave a low chuckle. "Where should I begin...?" She shivered as she felt him kiss the back of her neck. His hand slid up along her arm, a finger hooking under the strap of her nightgown and tugging it gently over her shoulder.

"Sebastian?" her voice broke on a whimper as he kissed the back of her shoulder.

He gave another warm chuckle. "How are you feeling, Victoria? You were pretty out of it." He continued to nuzzle along her neck, his hand caressing her shoulder.

"I...feel...Ngh." She arched her back as his hand pulled down the top of her nightgown and cupped her breast.

"Hmm...Seems you're feeling much better." He squeezed her breast before pinching her nipple and pulling gently.

"Oh!" she gasped, her back bowing.

He growled, licking his tongue up her neck before sucking on her ear.

"Wait." Victoria tried to move away from him. It felt so different, she wasn't ready. He gripped her arm and turned her to face him. She squeezed her eyes shut, foolishly afraid to look at him.

"Victoria," he whispered, his lips fanning over her forehead. "My sweet little female, look at me." He kissed her nose when she refused to open her eyes. "Look at me, love."

His lips brushed over her own as his hands ran along her hips and down over her backside. She blushed as he pulled up her nightgown and cupped her ass, pressing her hips against his own.

"Victoria, please..." he moaned, kissing her again, his tongue running along the seal of her lips. She jerked as she felt his hardness slip between her legs.

"I can't." She turned her head, burying her face into the pillows and against his shoulder.

"Ah, Victoria, you're so cute." He kissed her cheek, rocking his hips between her thighs.

God that felt good. She pushed weakly against his chest. "It's not the same..." she mumbled against his shoulder with embarrassment.

He kissed her collarbone before murmuring against her skin, "Do you not want me this way? Did you prefer me as before? I can turn."

"No, it's not's doesn't feel like you," she admitted bashfully.

"If you would look at me, little one, you would see that it is," he encouraged her gently, kissing her cheek. "Please."

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