Chapter Fourteen - Cuddling with a Demon

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Cuddling with a Demon

Victoria curled up on an over-sized chair by the window. Outside fluffy snowflakes fell in the night, shining in the soft light cast by the moon. She sighed, listening to her headphones and wondering when she would see Sebastian.

She couldn't get him out of her head all day. More than once she'd nearly gone exploring through the castle, wondering if she could find him. Jasper had shown her the common rooms earlier that day, and she had to admit when she wasn't terrified the castle was pretty freaking awesome. But Sebastian had been nowhere in sight.

Exhaling loudly her eyes slid to the cell phone beside her. Her father filled her mind, followed closely by worry. She wanted to call him, badly. Is that why Sebastian had given her the phone?

Damn it, where was that demon?

Tearing her eyes away from the phone she stared out the window once more. Just what was it about Sebastian that had her so enthralled? Aside from his hard muscular body, hot skin, and sexy as sin voice. Not to mention the air of danger and sheer power he possessed. It was like he was out of a damn romance novel.

How could she resist?

The better question was what did a centuries old demon king see in her? There was no doubt he desired her, maybe even cared for her. What was so special about her?

A cold thought struck her, what if he grew bored with her? Would he simply cast her aside? Her heart pinged. Why did that thought scare her? She should be thrilled by the idea, shouldn't she? She could go home. She would be free.

Oddly enough she didn't feel like a prisoner or like she had to escape. Except for missing her dad like crazy she knew she would be content to stay. And not just because of Sebastian. She had already made friends here. The demon servants were all generally kind to her. Jasper was a riot and she could see the two of them becoming good friends. Even Nicholas came by to spend time with her, treating her as if she were a little sister.

She felt welcome. She felt like she was home.

It was all so nuts. She just couldn't seem to get her mind straight. Maybe she was suffering from some kind of Stockholm syndrome.

All she knew is she wanted Sebastian here, now. Just to hear his voice. The very thought of being cast away from him made her heart ache painfully.

It was terrifying.


Sebastian smiled, leaning back against the door. Victoria sat in a chair by the window, her legs drawn up to her chin, watching snow fall in the moonlight. She was wearing headphones, her head bobbing slightly to the music. She hadn't even noticed him come into her room.

He watched her for long moments, the moonlight gleaming over her features. Like this she truly did appear as an elven maid, beautiful and otherworldly.

This creature is mine. The demon within growled with appreciation and desire. His hands itched to touch her pale skin, his claws flexing. Was she upset with him? Victoria had accepted his gifts. Did that mean she forgave him? God, he hoped so.

Holding his breath he approached her from behind cautiously. He didn't want to frighten her, but he also didn't want her to turn around and see him. The moon was bright and he couldn't risk her catching a glimpse of what was hidden underneath his cloak.

Reaching the back of her chair he leaned down, placing his hand over her eyes. She jumped, letting out a soft yelp. He couldn't stop the soft chuckle as he gently pulled her headphones off with his free hand. "Victoria."

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