Chapter Thirty-Two - The Halfling Makes a Choice

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The Halfling Makes a Choice

You're acting like a fool.

Sebastian paced nervously as he berated himself. He was so damn on edge he felt like he was going to jump out of his skin.

Tonight he was going to tell her that he loved her. That he wanted her, for eternity.

If she ever showed up!

"Arg!" He resisted the strong urge to claw the wall. He needed to stay in control.

"You look stressed," Victoria's soft voice mused from the doorway.

He spun around; surprised that she had managed to sneak up on him. At first seeing the little female his breath caught. God, but she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.

Her dark hair was pulled up in a bun and a sexy little black dress clung to her curves. On her wrist was wrapped the amulet he'd given her, it pleased him that she never took it off.

As she entered a sapphire and diamond encrusted necklace shimmered from around her neck. The blue against her pale skin was exquisite. That's what my skin looks like against hers.

The woman was made for him.

And that dress... He nearly groaned. It was backless, exposing her smooth back and beckoning him to touch her soft skin. The dress dipped down low just over the swell of her backside in a loose fold of fabric. He had to fight the urge to tear it off her and take her on the spot.

Instead he cleared his throat and pulled out a chair. "Victoria, you look beautiful." He winced at how gravelly his voice sounded.

She beamed up at him as she took her seat. "Thank you, you look wonderful as well."

Taking a seat across from her he tried not to stare at her soft breasts spilling over the top of her dress. "Did you speak with your father?"

She brightened. "I did. He is so happy, Sebastian."

"The nurse?"

She nodded. "He's definitely smitten with her. And I think she likes him too. I would very much like to visit him soon."

"I'm sorry that I've had to keep you from him."

"I know it isn't safe," she said softly.

"Perhaps I can arrange for Jasper to take you when he returns." If he ever does. He'd tried to summon Jasper several times now with no response and Charles had yet to return his phone calls. God only knew where the two of them were holed up.

"You could always bring me," Victoria offered.

He sighed. "I can't. Not like this."

"I want him to meet you, just as you are."

His chest ached at her tone, she sounded as if she would be proud to show him off to her father. "I'll think on it," he amended reluctantly.

She smiled. "Okay."

Damn, when she looked at him like... He fidgeted nervously with his fork. "Victoria, there is something I've been meaning to speak with you about."

Victoria continued to smile at him. Was she blushing? "Yes?"

"I...uh..." He rubbed a hand nervously over the back of his neck. "How is your meal?" Shit!

She raised one slender brow. "Delicious as always. Is that what you wanted to ask me?"

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