Chapter 1: Jeonghan

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Star gazing is the kind of date we usually do, aside from the fact that we could save a lot of money and use it on more important things; the way I'm feeling whenever we do this is so priceless and inexplicably astonishing that I wouldn't trade it for anything.

This night is one of the best, I guess. The stars are big, and with every star I look at, I wish that this could last forever. I wish that our relationship doesn't have to end.

Jisoo is quietly looking up at the sky. I think he's enjoying the view, and so am I. Several minutes have passed and the silence hasn't been broken yet.

"Yes?" He looked at me and smiled warmly
"Do you have something in your mind right now?"
As I wait for the answer, my heart is beating loudly against my chest, even if I already knew the answer.
"You" He said as he pulled me closer, kissing the top of my crown.

*End of flashback*

I woke up with my face wet with tears. I didn't notice that I fell asleep again on my study table. I cursed at the wind for dreaming of him again and wiped my face with my sleeves. I checked my watch, it's already 5:40 in the morning. I should probably get going. I wore a simple jeans and a shirt, got my car keys and headed to the parking lot. As I turned on the radio, I avoided the radio station, where Jisoo is working at as the main dj, it's not that I'm bitter, it's just that I really need to move on so I can focus more on my studies, hearing his voice won't help because it's one of the million reasons why I fell in love with him. Two weeks have passed but why does it feel like he just broke up with me yesterday? Right after we broke up, I heard from the others that he worked abruptly as a dj, I don't get the point because his family is wealthy and there he goes leaving all of that behind. Aish, I need to stop thinking about him, this isn't healthy. I turned off the radio and screamed in frustration. I stepped on the break too hard, and I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel.

"Why did you break up with me, huh? You ended it just like that! With no particular reason? What do you think of our relationship? A game that you can end whenever you want?" I let the tears fall, "I miss you Hong Jisoo! Screw you for making me feel this way!"


Before I enter the classroom, I tied my hair and said to myself,
"Hong Jisoo moved on in a blink of an eye, if he can do it, I can do it too, and act like nothing happened between us." I sighed. " I can do it. Junghan fighting!"

I heard someone behind me started snickering, "Talking to yourself, huh?"

I turned around to see an unfamiliar face has begun smirking.

"N-no, I-" What the hell, did I just stutter, this is so embarrassing.

"It's fine." He laughs. "Don't worry I can pretend that I didn't hear a single thing"
And then he smirked again. He waved his hand and walked away.

Is he already there when I started talking to myself? What if he knows who Hong Jisoo is? Is that why he's laughing? Because he knew that Jisoo broke up with me? Did I say his name loudly? How dare he-

The door opened and our professor appeared, "Yoon Junghan, are you just going to stare at the door for the whole day?"

"I- no. Sorry sir."

"So what are you waiting for?"

I got inside and sat at the back. I can hear my classmates snickering and their eyes are on me but they quickly looked away when I'm about to look at their direction, I sigh. Is this the aftermath of a break up? I hate to admit this but two weeks had passed and there is still no progress, I still love him. I'm used to being with him, doing things with him, I just don't know how to continue my life without him.

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