Chapters 4 : Jisoo

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"You are what happiness means to me. And I would rather have today with you than forever with anyone else."

-The Retribution of Mara Dyer


After hearing his voice, I can barely sleep for the following nights. Yoon Junghan why are you doing this to me? I know what I did to him is beyond unfair but I did it for his own sake. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. Someday he'll understand me, and I will find him and continue what we've started but for now, I just need to find myself and I know even if I come back to him now, he wouldn't accept me anymore but I really miss him and it's killing me.

"Bro are you alright?" Hansol asked me

"Yeah just lack of sleep"

He laughs, "Love quarrel with babe?"

"I don't have one"

"Then find one"

I shrug

"I'll help you" Hansol offered

"Thanks for the offer but no"

"Your life sucks, you know?"

I chuckle, "I know"

We started answering the calls.

"Hello DJ Joshua and DJ Vernon"

"Hi there caller no. 17, what's up?" Hansol said

"Hey how are you?" I asked

She giggles, "not fine but I think I'll be, wanna guess how?"

"How?" I asked curious

"Go on a date with me"

My eyes went wide and Hansol laughs while clapping his hands.

"Is it a yes?" The girl asked

I laugh in disbelief, "I-"

"That would be a yes for him, I guess, we'll just contact you."

"I hope you're not leading me on"

"Of course not, right DJ Joshua?"

I glared at him, "Right, see yah"

And we ended the call.

"Dude what's wrong with you?"


I rolled my eyes, "If things went wrong I'm going to kill you"

"My pleasure"


Why does it feel like I'm cheating on Junghan, I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel.
Several minutes have passed, I asked myself what am doing with my life, I get out of the car and entered a restaurant, I should've brought Hansol with me but he's busy with his girlfriend. I'm really hungry, I ordered a bulgogi, dubuseon, bibimbap, 6 bottles of banana milk, I know it sounds ridiculous but I really want a banana milk right now, and s'more gyeongdan. The waiter looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Is that all your order sir?"

I shrug, "Yeah"

"15 minutes"

I nod, I get my phone from my back pocket and started looking at our pictures. I smiled at the photos but then my smile immediately fades away because there's a voice inside my head saying, "It's over Jisoo it's over"

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