Chapter 16 : Joshua

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I was bit annoyed to see Junghan clinging to Seungcheol, I don't know what they're talking about but I was really pissed off but he comes to me and suddenly my anger burst into flames.

"We're going to ride the Gyro Drop right?"

"You take me to the top and straight down like a gyro drop," I started to sing and smiles warmly at him, "Right"

Junghan pulls me to counter to buy tickets, "13 tickets please" He said beaming.

"Seungcheol is the one who's supposed to do this" I said.

Junghan gave me a wink which I think is cute, "Let him rest, I'll be the leader today"

I smiled and just ruffled his hair, after buying he distributed the tickets, "Okay Jisoo and I will have our time together alone, and you guys can split up but don't get lost, contact us if something's wrong, okay?"

"Yes mother" Dino said

"I'll go with Jihoonie!" Seungcheol exclaimed.

Jihoon groans, "Help, no I don't want to be with this kid."

"Wonwoo hyung! Let's go together"


"Hansol and Chan you should go with Minghao and Jun" Seungcheol said.

"Seungkwan, Soonyoung and Seokmin"

"Oh my god the golden trio"

"No you can't be together, you will do nothing but disaster."

"Yah yah yah! How did you know"

Seungcheol shakes his head laughing, "Okay let's enjoy this day, okay?" We link our hands and we shout, "Seventeen fighting!"

We look so happy, and even if they don't know, this is the best birthday that I had celebrated in my whole life. Especially I'm with the guy I'm madly in love with, I clutch Junghan's hand and together we run to the Gyro drop.

"Aren't you scared my angel?"

"Why? Are you scared Hong Jisoo?"

"What the heck, no!"

"Stop being defensive, Josh"

"I'm not Han" I said pulling him for a hug, "Maybe I am but you're here beside me so why would be I afraid."

"You rascal stop being cheesy-"

I cut him off with a kiss, "Stop using words like that or eles I'll kiss you everytime-"

"Bullshit, fucking gyro drop-" And I pull him into a kiss, we both pull back, "Just freaking tell me if you want a kiss, you don't need to do that" I said smirking.

"You... I love you"


Junghan glared at me, "I said I love love love super duper love you too."

"Ugh fine fine, let's just ride this."

We were shouting on the top of our lungs, Junghan was singing EXID's Up and Down, it was one of a hell ride. Fortunately we didn't puke, we're just dizzy, knees slightly shaking after the ride, I pull him into a hug and together we laugh hard. We enjoyed the rides, and something caught my eyes and I grin.


"Nothing, let's go somewhere"


"I have surprise for you." I pull my handkerchief and covered his eyes and quickly drag him into the haunted house, as we enter, he heard the sounds and he stiffened, and presses his body close to mine.

"You rascal!" He cried, "Eomma!"

I laugh hard and takes off the handkerchief, "Do you like my surprise?"

"Aish! Let's get out of here before I kill you."

"Ah scary" Junghan just rolls his eyes at me.

"I really hate you, you know?"

"I love you too"

"You-" And he was cut off by his own scream, I laugh hard, he didn't change at all, still afraid of this kind of stuffs, After laughing hard, I pull him, close to me, his face buried in the crook of my neck, "Better"

"Mmm" He said and I can feel him nodding.

He jumps slightly because of the sudden scary loud noises, and finally we reached the exit.

"I hate you Jisoo but..."


"It feels good" He said grinning.

"I know, did you enjoy my neck?" I tease

He is flustered so he just shook his head, "No"

"Liar liar pants on fire"

"Shut up, you just enjoyed my body against yours," He smirks, "Am I right?"

"I won't deny it, yes"


"What did I do?"

"Sorry to interrupt you but S.coups hyung told us to go to the restaurant to eat." Chan said, "Did you enjou?"

"Of course Lee Chan, how about you?"

"Of course, let's go?"

"Yeah go ahead, we'll be right behind you."

"Okay" Chan walks away with Hansol, they seem to be talking about something.

Junghan and I took our time walking, hands intertwined and just enjoying the silence, we reached the restaurant.

Woozi comes in and went to the cashier, after that the foods were served.

"Wae? Is this planned?" Hoshi said, I think he's dropping a hint.

"No" Jihoon said, his ears turning red

"Oh my God so many food" Seungkwan exclaimed.

"You're not supposed to say Oh My Gawd"

"Sorry Hansol"

"It's fine Boo"

"Where's Seungcheol?" Junghan asked.

"Talking to his mom on the telephone." Jihoon said.

Chan leads the prayer and after that I saw Junghan signaled something to the members.

And they began singing, I was really surprised, they remembered, "Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da saeng il chuk ha ham ni da, sarang ha neun -- Josjuashi! Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da y~"

"T-thank you, I thought you guys forgot it, thank you, thank you thank you."

Seungcheol comes in with the cake, and they sang again.

"Thank you guys, I didn't expect this, thank you I love you all, I'm glad to celebrate this with you."

"Welcome, we love you too."

We ate happily, "Wait who paid this?" Seokmin asked, "This must be really expensive.

"Not really, Woozi and I payed it, you can thank us later."

"Aish as usual Seungcheol hyung is so arrogant"

"Wae wae wae? I'm just stating the fact."

We just laughed at Seungcheol and Mingyu.

"Thank you" I said abruptly, "Thank you for making my day special, especially you, Yoon Junghan thank you."

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