Chapter 12 : Jisoo

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The dorm became noisy, early in the morning, figures moving back and forth as if they're looking for something that they can't find but still hoping to find it, just because they realized that Yoon Junghan is nowhere to be found and I am the only person in the room who knows the reason why he's gone. Guilt is eating me alive as I watch my members' concerned and worried looks on their faces. Where is that rascal? Did I go past my limitations? Are my words that harsh?

"Argggg" I ruffled my hair in vexation, all their attentions are on me now, I muttered an apology and continued drinking my coffee. I turn my gaze to Seungcheol, who is still trying to contact Junghan, he really is concerned. I rolled my eyes, why won't him let Junghan be. Let him be.

I went back to my room, not paying attention to them, they're just wasting their time. I grab my phone and dialed Junghan's number, his line is busy. I stare at my phone, what the fuck did I just do? There's a knock on my door and as I open it, Seungcheol went inside with no permission.

"Did something between you happened last night?"

"Nothing happened why?"

"Nothing, he's in Busan, but I don't know his exact place, I was thinking-"

I cut him off with a smirk, "You were thinking if I know the place? I don't know anything about him okay?"

Seungcheol puts his hands on his side pockets, "Okay okay, bro I didn't say anything okay?" He chuckles, maybe he thinks I'm being defensive, shit. "I just wanna let you know that breakfast is ready, Chan cooked for us." He said walking out of my room.

I lay down on my bed and muttered a curse, "No jisoo, no"

Before I can even stop myself, I found myself buying a bus ticket to Busan online, I hit myself a thousand times, what excuse would I use to Seungcheol?

"Seungcheol can I talk to you?"

He raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"My parents want me to visit America tomorrow, they uhm already bought me a ticket..." I really suck at lying, am I?

A pause, then he grins, "Of course, I thought something else is bothering you, is that all? It's fine, I'm will talk to our manager for you"



I'm just doing this for my guilt to fade away right? Right. I shake my head in vexation, what I am doing with my life? What am I getting myself into?

The trip to Busan took several hours, I rode a taxi to a place where I hope and feel that Junghan is currently located. I knock three times but there is no answer, I twist the doorknob and to my surprise it is open.

"Grandma?" I shout

I checked all of the rooms and found no one, no signs of them. Is this house abandoned already? I went back to Junghan's old room and flashback started to enter my mind without my permission.

□□ Flashback □□

"Jisoo what are you doing?"

"Sit here" I said making him sit on the edge of the bed, I took out my guitar and began singing.

"Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms
And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now
Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love-"

He abruptly runs to me and hugs me tight, I chuckle at the contact, "What?"

"You sang it like the song was really made for me, it's like you dedicate it to me."

I gently put down my guitar and hugs him tight, "Of course, they are all for you, even if I only cover songs of other music artists, I will sing them as if they are made just for you"

"I love you"

"I love myself too"

He hits me, "Fine, I love you too Yoon Junghan"

He pulls me to the bed and we both lay down, he's still hugging me tight and just then I realized when his heartbeat became calm, he's already somewhere deep, sleeping. I look down at him and smile.

□□ End of Flashback □□

I turn to look at the clock, shit I've been lost in a trance for almost 2 hours, where the heck is Junghan and grandma? I check the house again but still got no luck, I was sort of panicking so I called the police.

"I went here this afternoon"

"Did you tell them that you'll come over?" Asked the police officer.

"Uhmm no"

"Who are you again?" The police officer asked with eyes so suspicious.

"Joshua Hong" I need to think of something that will make this officer get rid of his suspicion, it's not that I'm guilty. "I am Yoon Junghan's boyfriend-"

"Why is there a police car in the garage-" Junghan eyes went wide as he sees me, "What are you doing here, you-"

"Officer thank you, I'm really worried babe, I thought someone kidnapped you or what, where's grandma?" I said hugging him tight, he became stiff and speechless.


"Is everything really alright"

"Yes" I turn to Junghan with pleading eyes, "Right Junghan?"

"Right" He muttered under his breath but enough for us to hear it.

The police officer groans, "Young couples nowadays" He sighs, "Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yes sir! Thanks again sorry for disturbing you."

"It's fine."

The officer was now out of my sight but I can't pull away, I miss this, I miss his touch, can we just pretend that nothing ever happened to us? Can we pretend that everything is okay again?

He pulls away, "Why are you here? And why did you tell the police officer that we're an item?" He said raising an eyebrow.

I put my palm on the back of my head, trying to find the right words to explain it to him, "I- I followed you here, the door wasn't locked, I thought something bad happened to you... I called the police because it's been hours and you still haven't come back and he asks me questions and I can tell in his expression that he's being so suspicious about me so I pretended to be your boyfriend."

"Is that all? You may go."

"Wait I went all the way here just for you and you'll just send me away?"

He rolls his eyes, "You told me to quit right? I've thought about it and I will. Satisfied?"

I sighed in vexation, "No, I'm not. Where's grandma?"

"She's with my cousins, why do you care?"

"I went here just to visit her"

"Ah really?"


"Yah I'll sleep now. Just use the guest room."


"What?" He said annoyed.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"You what?"

"I said I'm sorry"

"Yeah thanks" He said not bothering to look at me and went upstairs.

I can't blame him, I've gone past through my limitations, how can I make it up to you Yoon Junghan? Will I ever make it up to you? I want to end thi all pretending stuffs that I have an amnesia. I want you back. I followed him upstairs and knock.

"What?" He said shouting, "Stop pestering me!"

"Junghan can we just talk?"

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