Chapter 15

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The door bell rang and Seungcheol was the one who opened the door and he was confused to see an unfamiliar face.

"Good morning"

"Good morning?" He said rubbing his eyes, "What can I do for you?"

The guy rubs his nape before answering, "I was wondering if a guy named Junghan lives here."

"Why? Who are you?"

"I'm a... I was his friend."

"Ooh, can you please wait? I'll be right back."

He nods and Seungcheol gently closed the door.

"Junghan! Junghan!"

"Yah! Why so noisy early in the morning you-"

"You what?" Seungcheol teased.

Junghan just rolled his eyes, "What do you want?"

He shrugs, "An unfamiliar guy is looking for you, where's Jisoo by the way?"

"In the shower, whe he gets out just tell him where I am okay?"


"And one more thing," Seungcheol looks back at him, "Today's Jisoo's birthday right? Can you help me surprise him by the dinner?"

Seungcheol chuckles, "Of course, you should go now your visitor is waiting for you."

"Yeah, thanks"

Junghan opens the door and was shocked to see Jackson standing right in front of him, "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't text or call me with the number that I gave you so I thought maybe I could give you a visit-"

"Jackson what do want? Can you please stop bothering me?" Junghan said walking towards him, and they sit by the bench near the gates.

"You didn't accept my apology back in Busan"

"Of course I did accept it." Junghan said a bit annoyed.

"Half heartedly."

Junghan groans, "Fine I now accept it, satisfied?"


"You're ridiculous."

"Can we start as friends again?"


"Huh? Why not? I thought you already forgave me."

"I forgave you but I didn't forget what you've done."

"Still holding grudges are we? I said I'm sorry, I really am"

"Jackson just tell me what you want and get lost."

"Ouch, that hurts a bit. I just want to be what we were back then." He said with a wink.

Junghan rolled his eyes in frustration, "Yeah? What? When we were best friends? Lovers? Or enemies? Which one? You did nothing when I was being bullied! So don't you dare bring that topic up again, because you don't know what it feels like to be betrayed by your own best friend."

"I said I'm sorry! I regret it! Everything!"

"Jackson it's too late now. Your sorry won't bring anything back so stop pestering me."

"Guilt, regret, and remorse, they're eating me alive-"

"You are still stuck in the past while here I am already moved on. Get out of here, I don't want to see your face anymore!"

"What's the commotion here? I heard you shouting that's why I came out, is he bothering you?"


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