Chapter 14

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Jisoo POV

We went back to the dorm, I hate this, we have tons of explaining to do. We manage to rest before gathering our members to talk about it.

"Well you all know that he's my ex right?" Junghan started.

"So what?" Seungkwan said

Both of us began to be nervous, "No, it's not that I'm mad or something. I'm just asking hyung."

"Ah okay, uhm... the thing is-"

"We're together again."

"You what?" Seungcheol asked almost raising his voice, "Sorry, what did you just say?"

"Jisoo and I are dating again" I said looking down.

I can still remember the look on their faces, they don't like it.

"What hyung?"

"It's not that we're against it but it might affect our group."


"No you can't."

"Seungcheol why are you being like that?"

"It's in the contract"

"No it isn't. Stop making some nonsense."

"I'm not go ask our manager." He said furiously and went out of the room, Junghan looks at me and then I nod, he rushed towards the door and follows Seungcheol.

I sigh and went inside my room.

Hours have passed and both of then haven't come back, I'm starting to worry, I get my phone and dialed Junghan's number.


"Where are you?"

"I'm with Seungcheol, don't worry we're going home now"

"Okay be safe."


Why is there a pang inside my chest, he's not cheating on me right?

Junghan POV

"Seungcheol! Wait for me!"

I was quick to hold him by the shoulders, "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" He smirk "I've done everything for you. I was there at your darkest moments, I was there for you when Jisoo isn't but still it isn't enough for you to choose me, to love me back. It's still Jisoo even if he had caused you so much pain, you still accepted him when he came back asking for forgiveness. Why? How about me? I thought I had a chance back then. I was wrong all along."

"I-I'm sorry"

"That's it? You think your sorry will fix this, will fix everything. But the thing is, Junghan, band aids don't fix bullet holes."

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