Chapter 6 : Jisoo

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What the hell Jisoo? It's your chance to prove him wrong, to justify yourself, to tell him how much you love him, and you let him go?

I bang my head against the wall, still scolding myself. My head still aches but I need to chase after him. After minutes of contemplation, I grab my car keys and headed to the bus stop. I hope he's still there or else I'm going straight to his apartment. I lost him once, I don't want to lose him again.


As I reached the bus stop, I saw two figures hugging each other, I saw the other figure slowly leans in, it's like he's about to kiss the girl, and that's when it hit me, it's not a girl, it's Junghan, I close my eyes, and let the pain washed over me, I don't need to see what's going to happen next because I'm not dumb to not understand what's happening, Junghan loves someone else, and that someone is going to kiss him just like what I've been doing for the past few years, I knew it all along, why would I still want to see it? I started to drive away.

I can't blame him, I've caused him so much pain, but is that why he doesn't want me back? Because he found someone else? But why does it feel like someone is stabbing my heart with a knife, it hurts like hell, it's more painful than I've expected, our break up? I can handle it, but seeing him with someone else? I just can't accept that. I don't want to lose him but I've already lost him. Tears began to blur my vision and before I knew what was coming, something hit my car and a picture of Junghan appeared inside my head, I was thrown out of the window, I was now lying on the ground, "Jeonghan" I coughed, "Jeonghan" I said one last time and all I can see is darkness before I passed out.

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